4 Fire that Burns You

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When I get inside the fire station I see how Hiro is chasing after Hiccup around the fire station.

"Look who is back!" Merida laughed as she watched the guys. She was doing some maintenance to the fire truck.

Suddenly a cold feeling aura radiated through the room and then we heard a bored laugh. It was coming from the hood of the fire truck. Everyone was looking at where the laughter came and I place my bag to floor.

With a thump Jack jumped down to floor, he was wearing his fireproof pants already. "Enough with this fooling around!" Jack ordered. His eyes were cold and enough to make us all freeze.

Everyone stayed quiet as Jack walks among us. "You - are - on - duty! For Pete's sake! I will not withstand any of stupidity from you! " He shouted and then glared at us. I look down to floor and I can sense the tense feeling. "They were just having fun," Merida said quietly.

"Yeah! Having fun! Geez, that's what's gonna get you killed while you're on duty. Losing one was enough!" Jack yelled and I hear him going upstairs.

"Well he sure is moody today," Merida whispered when Jack had left. I bit my lower lip, dad had told me that Jack failed his mental state exam after Tadashi's death but he assured my dad that he can do his job. However I'm now really doubting if he can really work.

"You should speak with him," Hiccup walks next to me and whispers to my ear. "Why me?" I whispered back. The idea of speaking to Jack was actually quite scary at the moment. If a look could freeze me, well, I would be a popsicle right about that moment.

Hiccup placed his hand on my shoulder, "Because you get him. I may have been his friend longer but your personalities match somehow. So maybe you can get the old Jack back?" Hiccup assured me and I sighed my defeat.

"I'll try," I said quietly and then I handed Hiccup my bag. "Take this to my locker, please?" I chuckled. I noticed that Merida was teaching Hiro of how to maintenance the fire truck. She is sweet when you get to know her, she might have a rough surface but her heart is big.

My heartbeat increased when I headed upstairs. "Jack?" I called him as I headed to our resting area where our beds are. I see Jack laying on his bed, he is laying on his back with his other leg over the other. I see that he is playing some game with his portable gaming system.

"Yeah?" Jack questioned when I was getting closer to him. When I reached his bed I hesitated for a moment but then I sat down.

"I need to speak with you," I said nervously but he just hummed. I see that he is playing some military game. Then I took his game away from him and I rolled my eyes to him.

"I was playing that," Jack said bitterly.

"Yes, I saw that," I told him immediately. Then there was a moment of silence. He crossed his arms and looks away.

"So," Jack said coldly.

"Well, I wanted to speak you about the way you behave. Oh, and I know that you failed your mental test. We need the real you back," I said to him without any sweet talk. He needed to hear it straight.

"And you're saying that this isn't the real me?" He said bitterly and he tries to snitch back the game.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying," I said as I sat on top of his game controller.

"Then what's the real me and what's the fake me?" He said with boredom.

"The real you is funny and sweet, easy to get along. You find fun and Brightside on almost everything, you're a kind person Jack. Now you're just mean and cold to everyone, I mean.. Hiro just came back and is trying to cope with his mourning after his brother. Give us a bit of slack, please," I smiled to him.

The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa / Big x )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz