Stuck In This Prison No Optimism.....

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Siena P.O.V

After telling Aleeya where she and her stupid coven and whoever else can take a hike about taking my daughter from me all so we can become coniunctis sanguine. Well they needed to wait until Isabella grows into her true potential. I’m not having years of my baby life robbed from again no way in hell. What the hell was I even thinking at the time to even agree to any of that? Didn’t I not care about the life of my own daughter that much? I know I felt a little out of it while I was there that I didn’t know what I was doing at Aleeya place. Well none of that mattered now because I put my foot down and none of it was going to happen. I think I made myself extremely clear to Aleeya that I’m not parting with my baby girl.

Not long after Aleeya left Nico came back with my coffee. He began to question me how I knew Aleeya and of course I couldn’t really tell him the truth. So I told him that I had met her in New Orleans while I was there when I went to visit Nic. Of course Nico was an inquisitive kid though he kept reeling more questions. I’m guessing he gets that from his father as I recall Damon never used to back down when something didn’t add up. So I took the focus off the whole Aleeya situation and made him focus on his little sister. Watching Nico hold Isabella was something truly amazing the way he just looked at her with adoration. It was one of those pictures perfect moments that I just wanted to always remember. Nico left not long after I admired Isabella from her basinet but I felt my eyes getting heavy. I was truly exhausted after the craziness of tonight and one thing was for sure I’m never going through all that ever again.

I was woken up to the noise of commotion I slowly opened my eyes to see about three nurses and a doctor around Isabella basinet. Instantly I felt my heart being to race as I could hear the panic in their voices.

“What going on?” I demanded as I got out of my bed and one of the nurses turns to me with fear in her eyes.

“Mrs Salvatore…..” She tried to stop me from going toward the basinet. I pushed her out of the way sending her flying across the room.

“Mrs Salvatore you need to calm down” The Doctor insisted as he came towards me then I shoved him out of the way. As I looked over I could see Isabella all wrapped up in her blanket my eyes adverted to the nurse who was still standing by her basinet her eyes were filled with sorrow. In that moment I knew something wasn’t right I rushed closer and looked down at my little girl. Her lips were blue her colouring was blemish purple she wasn’t breath or moving. In that very moment I felt like I had been staked in the heart I felt like I couldn’t breathe or move or anything. It was like everything around me became still I could hear the nurses talking but it felt faint. I reached down and picked up my little girl she felt so cold even with the blanket around her. My eyes began to blur from the tears that were fighting to escape. As reality began to set in that my daughter was dead I broke down and cried as I held my lifeless Isabella to my chest. In that one moment I felt broken that I had lost something so precious and a part of me died along with her.

The doctors and nurses tried to talk to me telling me that I needed to let go of my little girl but I couldn’t I didn’t want to let her go . I wanted to die too I didn’t see how I could continue to live without my little girl. How could one little person hours old change me so much from being the woman who didn’t care into this person I’m now. As soon as my eyes locked with her it was love at first sight. Isabella was a part of me a creation made from me but also Damon. I know I don’t remember any of that the relationship the love I had for him. We both created something so precious so perfect and now she was gone. Knowing that I couldn’t deal with it at all I knew I had to do something all I kept hearing was from them that they wanted to take my baby away.

I screamed at yelled at them to leave me alone every part of me wanted to go on a bloody massacre killing everyone in my path. The only thing that kept me from doing that was the fact I would be disgracing the memory of my daughter. I don’t know how I kept it all together but I compelled the doctor and nurse to leave and not to return. I felt on edge like I didn’t know what to do right now as I knew they would run test or god knows what on her and I didn’t want that. What if it showed abnormality in her blood or whatever? What if they begin to ask questions I knew I could compel them but I could hardly do that to those people who were in here. I was a total mess not thinking straight but I knew what I needed to do as hard as it was going to be it had to be done. 

'Eternally Entwined' Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now