The Light Will Scare The Darkness Away.....

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Elena P.O.V

When I asked Liam to come with me to this home coming event I felt kind of big and brave in a sense. It was like I was proving a point to myself. But also a point to say that Stefan didn't have that kind of control of me anymore. Liam was a nice guy cocky at times but he was cute and maybe it was all an act that he put on like to form wall up. Whatever it was I'm going to look pass all that because you shouldn't always judge someone on first appearance. I learnt that from Damon because even though he was once this vampire who didn't care and did everything to his own advantage. He changed because of my sister and sometimes it just takes one person to come into your life to make you want to change. I've witness it with the love story of those two. I think if I just gave Liam the chance I would eventually see the side to him that he doesn't show to many.

Once I left Liam I went to go and see Jo at the hospital to convince her to come tonight. I guess you're wondering why I'm asking her come. Well I think her and Ric would be perfect together as they are both wrapped up in their work. Maybe a little fun time and getting to know one another both of them might relax a little. She was a little unsure at first about coming but as soon as I mention Ric would be there she changed her mind. This made me think that just maybe she kind of liked him. Which was perfect as Ric needed some kind of distraction in his life because since his comeback his not handling things too well. I know it's all a front with the smiles and 'I'm fine' he wasn't dealing with his bloodlust too well. So if he makes a 'friend' or maybe more I'm hoping it might help him through all this. I know between Siena and Jeremy issue with dealing with the deaths of the two people they love kept him busy. Ric needed to start thinking about number one and I think Jo will be the perfect remedy to get him to focus on that.

Once I was done with that I moved on to my next plan of action which was Caroline. She needed cheering up after what we found out in New Orleans and knew that she was upset with the fact we would never truly be rid of Nickar. Or maybe we had because we still don't know how Nico reverted back to his old self. Maybe the days of Nickar reign were over. So I tried to convince her to come tonight and she kept on giving me one excuse after another. I knew she was in one of those mood so I told her that the offer still here if she changed her mind.

I headed into town to find something to get Siena for her birthday I wanted it to be something special as she had been through so much. What do you get a girl who pretty much has it all? I looked in pretty much every store for something a little different. When I came across a jewellery store window and I saw a necklace which was of a heart but it split into two. One half stated 'Big Sis' and the other half stated 'Lil Sis'. I thought it was the perfect gift as I still remembered the words Siena told me before she died about us being sister how she was grateful of that. With this necklace it would be like we are carrying a part of each other around with us. So I went into the store and bought it I knew Siena would love it as she into all that sentimental stuff. From there I headed back to Whitmore when I got to my dorm I expected to see Caroline but she wasn't there.

So I got showered and changed to get myself ready for tonight as I've got a feeling it's going to be an epic night. Nico going to be coming with Siena which made me happy reason being that Siena making the effort. Even though she flat out admitted she has no emotional connection to either of her kids. She willing to build a connection with Nico and I knew that made him happy considering all that had happen. It just seemed like everything was falling into place that the worst was over and we were all trying to move on with our lives. I don't know what Siena decision will be about asking Ric for her memories back but maybe she didn't need them. It's not like we would forget about Damon and Bonnie but we all needed to grow and move on. To try and live our lives and be happy because that what they would want. They wouldn't want us to be sitting around weeping and not moving forward. I got changed and did my hair I looked at the time and notice it was coming up to 8. I grabbed my car keys made my way out of the dorm.

'Eternally Entwined' Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of 'Epic Love Saga'حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن