Supernatural Love Conquers All..... **New Years Eve Special**

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Author P.O.V

It has been weeks since Siena had seen her estrange husband Damon. From the night of the charity event she hadn't heard a word from him. Damon kept true to his word in her eyes he had let her go and not once did he come to see how she was. Siena even notice that when she visited her daughter grave the pink roses had stopped that gave her an aching feeling in her heart. Siena had tried many of times to reach out to Damon with calls to his phone each time she would only hear his voicemail. She began to beat herself up a lot that if she had only opened up a little earlier none of this would be happening. Siena Salvatore had finally wanted to get back what she had. Now it all appear to be too late she knew there was no hope and that she needed to move on.

Everyone around could see there was a change in her that she didn't seem as withdrawn as she was before that she used to question if anyone had seen or heard from Damon. This surprised his brother Stefan more than anyone as he saw that maybe Siena was feeling some form of emotion towards his brother. Siena tried to move on from that night but she found it difficult as there was one thing she wanted to know. That was what happened the night of the meteor shower for it to be a memory that Damon clung on to. She knew it had a deep significates and hated the fact that she was unaware of the words the spoke to one another. Siena asked her husband 'Promise me this is forever' while Damon looked at his wife in the same loving way 'I promise'. A promise that due to the circumstance that have occurred have been broken.

Siena finally gathered up her courage to tell her parents about what had happened to her daughter and also Damon return. As she spoke on the phone to her mother and father Siena could be hardly heard over her controllable crying. The Russo were extremely concerned for their daughter and Chrizina cleared up her work schedule to be with her daughter. When Chrizina arrived at Siena home the first thing she did was hold her daughter tightly in her arms and comforted her. Siena had explained all that happened since her return to Mystic Falls but as we all know not everything was revealed. As there was a crucial part to this story that Siena was unaware of as the deal that she had made for Damon return. Chrizina was very supportive and gave her daughter words of encouragement that in time thing may return to how they once were. With the death of their daughter it may hit Damon in a way and he just needed time. Chrizina wise words were embedded in Siena mind as time was what Damon needed. She understood that since his return from his death he had to face with two things that he never thought he would. First being that the woman whom he loved more than anything on this earth did not recall him. Then to find out his second born had died. Siena heart went out even more as she realized how much pain Damon must have been going through but for her own sanity she needed to give him time.

During the time Chrizina was with her daughter she came face to face with Nico. This wasn't a pleasant confrontation as the past was brought up from the night when he (Nickar) had showed up. In New York at the Russo apartment which Chrizina was still traumatized about as she yelled at poor Nico, Siena tried to intervene. She explained everything to Chrizina tell her that her son was no longer that person. Chrizina couldn't believe what she was hearing from her daughter in the process stormed out of the house. She couldn't wrap around in her mind about all this supernatural stuff that she knew her daughter had a very forgiving heart. She couldn't wrap around her mind how she could be in the same room and look at that face and not feel resentment. While Chrizina thoughts were churning on the porch Nico approached her. He couldn't watch him mother being so upset as her parents meant the world to her. He felt that she had been through enough heartache to last her a life time that he would somehow repair all this.

Chrizina allowed Nico to speak and hear his side to the story. She could hear in his voice how much he adored his parents that ne wished none of it happened. Nico showed for the first time how much it pained him what the darker version on himself did to parents and his family. Chrizina looked at the young man before her and knew he had no control over what happened. She knew that she will never truly understand the going on in the supernatural world. All that mattered was her daughter happiness and she could see that Nico was kind of heart. From that moment she tried to get to know her grandson as she didn't want to torment him over the past no more. Chrizina want that they will not live in the present and try and move on from the devastation of that one night.

'Eternally Entwined' Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of 'Epic Love Saga'حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن