So Close Yet So Far.....

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Siena P.O.V

I was here in this prison dimension in reaching distance from Damon and Bonnie. I was the key to bringing them home. All I needed to do was get Bonnie magic back. I needed to help her get that spark once again and with the ascendant that was in Kai possession they be able to return home. I didn’t know how easy it will be to find it. The most important part was to bring Bonnie magic back and we could work everything else out from there.  Angelis had also told me of the consequences of me helping that when I would return back I will not have any feeling of emotions to Damon. That all the memories I held with him would all be wiped away.

I didn’t know what that would mean. Would I know who he is at least? I mean I couldn’t have all my memories wiped away because that would mean everyone else in my life. Angelis had only mention Damon which made me think there was a significate meaning behind it. As I still remember everything that Tia Dalma had told me. That our paths were entwined that it was always fated that I was meant to be with Damon. So this one consequence of losing my memories I knew deep down it wouldn’t be a problem. That when Damon would come home and I will see him. That all the love and emotions I felt for him would overcome this spell or whatever it is. I believe the love that Damon and I held for one another could overcome anything even this.

Angelis had done a disappearing act on me which I saw as my opportunity to get a little closer to where Damon and Bonnie were.  As I did I came face to face with some guy, but it wasn’t any guy it was Kai. The guy who massacred his family all so he could gain the power of his coven.  He was a full on psychopath something wasn’t clearly wired in his head to want to brutally murder and hurt his family. He was cocky and arrogant just as I suspected for him to be. One moment I’m talking to him then the next he touches me and I had this overwhelming feeling take over me. I tried to move away from him but I felt weak that I couldn’t move. I felt myself getting dizzy and my legs felt limp. My brain was on fire and at the same time I felt pain in my pelvis. I wanted to scream but nothing would come out I knew that Kai was taking my power or energy from me.

All in one moment it just stopped I felt like I was sitting. I slowly opened my eyes and notice I was back in Aleeya home.  I looked up to see Aleeya on the floor across passed out. What the hell had happened? Why was I back here? I had to go back to help Bonnie bring back her magic. What the hell did Kia do to me? I got up from my sit and walked over to Aleeya who was passed out on the floor.

“Aleeya?” I shook her lightly. She slowly began to open her eyes then looked at me frighten then began to shuffle away from me.  “What happened? Why am I here?”  I was mad and annoyed because I wanted to get Damon and Bonnie out of there “Why do you look scared of me?” The look in Aleeya eyes were kind of scaring me as she was looking at me as if I was some kind of monster. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise” I went a little closer to her and she seem not as frighten “Aleeya I need to go back” I tried to speak to her calmly to not the show my urgency to go back because I had no idea what I did to her to frighten her so much.

“You saw him….” She got up from the floor to her feet “You saw Kai” I looked at her frowning how did she know that?

“How did you know I saw him?” She shook her head and began to walk away from me going towards her collection of liquor.

“I felt him drain you” She spoke as she poured herself a sustainable amount of brandy “Everything was going okay then the next moment I was thrown across the room” She picked up her glass and drained it all. Aleeya looked really shaken up by what had happened but I needed for her to send me back. To get the wheels in motion to bring them both home not only for me but also for everyone who grieved for the both of them.   

“You got to send me back” She looked at me as if I was crazy “Please I need to help them. That was the reason why Enzo brought me here. Right? To bring Damon and Bonnie back home” Aleeya turned her back to me and began to pour another drink not answering my question. “That is why I’m here Aleeya?” She turned to face me and I could see that her face was filled with many emotions like she was holding back. “What aren’t you telling me?” I raised my voice slightly as I knew now she was hiding something from me now.

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