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So I know that I have basically abandoned this book awhile ago but I don't know how else to do this.
So as a white female I have not faced a lot of oppression. I get the luxury of being able to leave my house and not fear for my safety. There are so many people out in the world who don't get that same luxury and it is absolutely sickening and terrifying that this happens in our world.
I am not black but I want to stand with them and seek justice for the injustice in the world. I may not be fully educated on the oppression and just how bad it has gotten but I intend on doing my research. I have a voice and I want to use it for good because being silent is the same as siding with the oppressors.
There has been almost no justice for black people who have been impacted by police brutality. There needs to be an end. Everyone should feel they have the right to safety in the country they live in.
George Floyd, a man who was just trying to buy something and was accused of having a counterfeit bill. He could not breath when he got his throat knelt on by a police officer. George Floyd did not do anything to provoke that sort of reaction. He went peacefully and did not resist the cops arrest.
Ahmaud Arbery, was a man who just went for a jog in his neighborhood. He was followed by white men and was shot while he was on a run. Ahmaud Arbery did not do anything to provoke this sort of treatment. The fact that a person of colour could not go for a jog without the fear of being harmed is something I can't even wrap my head around.
Breonna Taylor, a woman who was in her apartment when cops arrived with a warrant to search for drugs. The warrant was not even for her apartment it was for someone else's, but she was still shot dead by one of the cops.


I've never truly understood just how privileged I was until I read all of these news reports. There are so many more people who have faced the injustice of not only the police system but society. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. I now see my privilege more than ever and intend no matter what to make my voice heard and get justice for everyone. No one should ever feel scared to leave their house simply based off of their skin colour. That is something that they did not choose but over the past hundreds of years has been something people feel it's okay to discriminate against.

That is all I have to say. I know that I need to educate myself a lot more on the subject but I cannot let myself be silent. Society is discussing and truly a terrifying place. And I may not be black but I can see what is happening. I many not be black but I can hear the screams. I many not be black but I iWill mourn with you because everyone deserves justice and everyone deserves respect.


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