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when wally west was 10 years old he had a hero, the flash; he was everything that wally everything dreamed to be. So when wally found his uncle's notebook with notes for an experiment based on his his idol's very own origin story in it he couldn't help but try it out. When something went wrong and lightning struck, causing his whole house to blow up and leaving him trapped beneath the rubble he was left screaming for his hero to save him as the house came crashing down around him.

Hours later and Wally knew he was going to die he was still pinned down by one of the roof's struts, voice now hoarse from screaming and smoke, he could hear the firefighters outside, they were so close but still, they left him there to burn. 

Eventually someone did come, he pulled the boy out from under the rubble and made him an offer, the boy now bitter to the hero he once idolised, accepted.

young injusticeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ