Chapter 7: Deep In Conversation

Start from the beginning


George sits there uncomfortably for a moment, realizing that he reacted wrong. Harvey cocks his head, awaiting an answer.


George shrugs. 'I mean, I just wanna know who it is. They're really sweet talking into my heart, here.'

Harvey nods understandingly. 'Yeah, I getcha. Do you know their name?'

'If I did, wouldn't I have found them by now?'

'Touché. How about the year? Any clues whatsoever?'

'Nothing personal. Apparently I have their number already but that's so many people.'

'Do you think it's a boy or a girl?'

George freezes. He never thought about that. He's always been with a girl but he had nothing against guys. What if it was a guy?

'I... I don't know.'

The two descend into silence. The gentle hum of the store's music looms above them, along with the sound of distant chatter and swishing of clothes. 

'Hey, Harv, you're bisexual, right?'

'Yeah, why?'

'I'm just wondering... how did you know you were... y'know, bisexual? We're you definite or...?' George doesn't know how to end his question, eventually just trailing off.

Harvey thinks for a moment. 'It... was while after I moved to America.' He scrunches up his nose as he remembers, distasteful. 'Back in the Philippines... it's not that great. They were much, much worse that they are here. People were getting disowned or sent to really strict holy schools or other stuff. I always knew I was different but I didn't think it was an option to like both boys and girls. There, they only really used the term 'gay', 'straight' and 'lesbian'. Coming here lead to so, so many more words. Like, I learned about transgenders and crossdressers, pansexuality, asexuality, and so on. I learned I was bisexual and, I guess, I'm happy with knowing who I am but I don't think needing to label yourself is effective, you know? Just be happy with who you are because if you can't love yourself, how can you love others?'

It's a beautiful little rant. That George needs a minute to take it all in, nodding slowly. 

'Those were some wise words.'

The Asian boy smiles gratefully, shaking his hands out as to stop them from trembling slightly. 'Heh, thank you. Now... why exactly were you asking? You having a moment?'

'I guess you could say that...'

Suddenly, Dream's voice calls out from the dressing room. 'Okay! I'm ready!'

'Okay, come out!' Harvey's voice lowers to tell George in a more calm and reassuring tone, 'Don't worry about it too much. There's only so much time we have living that we can't waste it away worrying.'

George smiles back, appreciative that he had such nice friends. There's a swish of a curtain and Dream calmly struts out, posing effortlessly. He wore an open light ash-gray suit that complimented his sun-kissed skin. A faded green waistcoat that sported a simple black square design hugged his stomach. Underneath was a plain white collar shirt that he had left slightly unbuttoned to reveal a part of his smoothed chest. His emerald eyes sparkle, awaiting an answer.

'Yes.' Harvey says with a definite tone.

George is stunned, staring. 'It really makes your eyes stand out.'

Dream's freckled face is dusted pink as he grins. 'This is the one, then.'

Spifey and Zelkam appear, with Zelkam in a maroon tuxedo. They are both in awe at Dream, agreeing that this suit was made for him. However, he doesn't pay much attention to all the compliments. Dream looks at George with big doe eyes but it's the British boy who feels like a deer in headlights.

'Are you sure you still don't wanna go to prom?' he asks softly, the glimmer in his green orbs never dying away.

It's George's turn to blush.

'Yes,' he manages to stutter out. 'I- I'm sure.'


I deadass looked up suits, leave me alone I think it's helpful ovo

I can imagine Dream wearing loads of gold bling with this, like a gold watch and cufflinks and an edgy chain. I think it's a look tbh. Not a fan off the handkerchief, imagine it's not there :)

I love Spifey's suit. I was originally gonna make him wear this brown tartan suit that was really oldtimey but his recent softboy photos made me scavenge for new inspiration. I can totally see him wearing his rings and tinted aesthetic glasses with this fit

And Zelkam's. Kinda simple but I think he'd sport in this nicely. I imagine him with a pink carnation that matches Spifey's tie. Idk I want the bros to be dorks lmao

Chapter 7: 1,181

Total words: 7,773

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