"Elijah!" I call out and I hear him walk back into the lounge.

"Yeah?" He asks standing in the doorway behind me.

"I don't think it's going to matter if you turn the power box on." I see the light from his phone pitch and shift as he walks over to me, coming to stand by my side, seeing all the darkness.

"The whole grid is out, I don't think we are going to have anymore power. Tomorrow we should look for some camping solar panels and maybe a generator if possible." I say into the darkness, only hearing Elijah's slightly heavy breathing from beside me.

A horrendous scream fills the silence and it frightens me to the core as the familiar sound continues to carry on.

"Give me this." I snatch the phone from Eli's hand and frantically switch the flashlight off, I look up just as someone slams into the window. I jump back out of instinct, extending my arm out to me push Elijah back with me, expecting the glass to break, but it holds. I grab the curtains and sling them shut as if that would help us in anyway.

"We need to move." I grab for Eli's hand in the dark and as soon as I make contact I'm dragging him out the lounge and down to his room, closing the door and locking it. The screams continue, sounding in all directions. Communication between the humanoid creatures.

"What the fuck was that?! Was that what attacked you?" Elijah panics, the light on his phone on again, pacing back and forth. I check the little slit out his window, as we'd already boarded up his windows the other day.

"Yes, it is. And they are fast and rather intelligent still. I'm just hoping it's going to behave like an animal, get bored and go away. If not, then we need to be ready to make a run for it." I ramble on to him, quickly packing up the last minute items we had left out.

I pull the two butterfly blades out of my backpack and start flicking them back on forth out of nervousness. Elijah grabs his gelblaster already loaded, he wasn't going to bring it at first, he thought it might be silly. I insisted that it could help with distractions and maybe slow one of these things down.

We sit on his bed turning out the light and I close my blades, tucking them under the pillow, I hear the gelblaster thud softly to the carpeted floor. Elijah slides his arms around me and pulls me against his chest, I sigh, letting the comfort and warmth seep into my soul.

"We're gonna be okay, Baby. We have each other, I'm not going anywhere." I whisper to him in the dark, I feel him take a deep shuddering breath. His hold on me tightens and I close my eyes trying to blank my mind long enough for me to fall asleep.

Bombs explode around me, the sound of those horrific screams filling the air also. I turn in my spot, watching the chaos and destruction everywhere. I spot Elijah looking over at me, a real gun in his hands, his eyes land on me. He seems older, tired, but a lot stronger then he is now, as if he has been training.

Movement catches my eye behind him and I let my vision focus in time to see one of those beasts lunge at him, sharp nails and teeth at the ready. A violent high pitched scream rings louder than any of the others I've been hearing and I soon realise it's my own.

I throw my butterfly blade hard and fast, the look of terror clear on Elijah's face, but I can tell he's trying to hold it together, like he's used to this sort of thing now.

Everything slows down the creature slowly shifts through the air and my blade honed perfectly in on it's target. Elijah trying to raise his gun and turn in time to shoot.

A voice fills my head loud and clear, calm and soothing.

"One may be saved. If the other is forgotten. Choose wisely."

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