"The faster the better." He said winked to me.

"Oh, have you told your family?"

"I have." He said then looked at me, "Don't you?"

I smiled sheepishly, "No."

He shook his head, "Tell them ASAP. Okay?"

I showed my thumb then we went out. We went to a mall to grab our lunch and furniture hunting.

It was too soon but Bright told me to take a full day off work and we didn't have much things to do so why not.

We went here and there and spent a little too much amount of money for our home before we went separate ways and went home.


A few days after, I got a call from the furniture company that our purchases were ready and he told me to send them the address so they could deliver it.

I was too excited for our moving day and both of us had already mark the day to skip work and prepare our apartment. We decided to move in at Saturday, and because Sunday is our day off, we had two days to prepare.

And today is the day.

I looked at my room full of boxes which consist of my clothes and other personal belongings. Then I remembered when I told my parents about me moving out. They were a little bit shocked but not as much as when I told them that I moved in with someone. And that someone is Bright, Chivaaree.

I guessed my dad did not expect us to be that close, and he's not completely wrong.

Our relationship is..., a little bit complicated. We're not best friends, nor boyfriends, but we move in together. I just shrugged by the thoughts didn't want to make my brain work hard in the morning.

I head a knock on my door and saw my mom there. "You ready?" she asked.

I smiled at her then stood from the bed. I hummed to answer her then took the box out one by one. "Mom, don't!" I stopped her when she tried to lift up a box. "You should sit and wait for me. Don't use your precious energy on this." I grabbed her shoulders then pushed her out of the room made her giggled.

"Okay, okay. I'll wait for you out side." She smiled then ruffled my hair before continued walking out of my room.

I went to and fro my room and the living room a few more times with some help of my father's men then brought all of the box to a car. Then we were ready to go.

I sat on the driving seat with my mom beside me. My parents decided to help and the wanted to see my new home too, so I let them. My dad will be there in a short time.

I texted Bright that I was going to go there before I started my engine and drove slowly, leading the car behind me that brought my belongings.

I parked at the basement then went out with my mom, straight to my new home. When I arrived I saw Bright there with my dad and his, talking, while some men lifting boxes here and there, with some guide from Bright.

He smiled when he saw me.

"Win! Kid! Come here!" My dad sounded too excited called me.

We talked for some times until all the boxes were delivered and the furniture was built and ready. Our parents bade us goodbyes and told us to invite them when we finished unpack our things and everything was settled.

Finally we were alone, with boxes surrounding us. I took a deep breath and let it out, and it was enough to grab Bright's attention.

"We haven't started yet and you're letting out that deep sigh? Oh come on!" He mocked me.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes then we started to unpack.

It was night already. We were exhausted and too lazy to cook or went out to get some food so we decided to get a delivery.

Bright was in the shower when the delivery guy came, so I went in and search for my wallet and it was nowhere to be found. I told the guy standing by the door to wait then I entered Bright's room. I could hear the water running from the bathroom.

"Bright, I couldn't find my wallet. Can I take yours?"

"Yeah, mine is on my bed." I heard him half screaming from inside.

I scanned the bed and found it half covered by the blanket. I opened and took some cash out but something dropped to the floor. I ignored it and ran to the delivery guy. After I got our food I set it up on out table. But Bright was still nowhere to be seen.

Ugh, what took him so long?

Then I remembered that I hadn't properly closed his wallet before, so again, I went in and took a paper that I dropped earlier to put it in the wallet, but I froze.

It was a picture. Of..., me?



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