Chapter 10

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Darlene and Desmond walk into her home in Grand Rapids. Soon as they enter the house, Darlene slams the door shut while looking at Desmond with satisfying lustful passion! Darlene rushed Desmond pushing him against the wall and presses her wine-colored lips against his. They both rip each other clothes off until that was skin showed chocolate and vanilla swirl. Desmond ripped Darlene's panties from hips and carried her to the couch. Darlene giggled as Desmond gripped her ass and took her to the bedroom. Desmond sat down on the bed while Darlene was still in his arms. Darlene wasted no time impaling her pink shaven pussy on to Desmond's rock hard anaconda.
Once Darlene was on top, she slowly pushed her hips against Desmond. Her juice polished Desmond's cock, giving it an ebony shine. The more Darlene grind, the harder she moaned, and her juice flowed in a milky cum color. Within four minutes spouts a leak as Darlene soaks her couch with her essence.
"Oh, gawd! Oh gawd!" Darlene pants. Darlene tries to get up, but Desmond forces her back down on his cock, giving Darlene and extra electrical shock through her body.
"Where the fuck you think you going?"
"What? You want more after coming?"
"Come! I did not get a chance to bust my nut?"
"I felt you throb in me! I thought..."
"Nawl baby, that was just small explosions. Time to really blow that pussy out."
Desmond lifted Darlene and lays on her back with on leg up bent over his shoulder. Her other leg is extended straight out, allowing Darlene's wet pussy to be exposed to a black attack. Desmond pushed all of his dark meat into Darlene's love box.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!" Darlene moaned. The way that Desmond fucked Darlene, it appeared he was having angry sex but far from it. It was a grind to connect with Darlene in a sexual, spiritual manner. The way that Desmond fucked Darlene, it was different. Typically it would have felt like raw lustful passion, but she knew Desmond's heart was more into than before. Darlene felt a more spiritual connection by released her essence with every pump that Desmond gave. She baptized Desmond, giving him her blessing to possess her mind, body, soul. When Desmond exploded his cum into her, it was an intense feeling for both of them.
"Oh shit, baby, oh shit, baby!' Desmond moan. Darlene could say nothing but give silent whimpers as tears of joy fell from her face. At that moment, the two knew that they were meant for each other.
"I fucking love, Darlene."
"I love you too!" Darlene panted with soft whimpers.
"Why are you crying, did I hurt you?"
"No, silly, far from it. It's just that I am so damn happy that you are my man."
"I am happy that you, my main woman," Desmond replied before kissing Darlene on the lips. After an hour, Desmond was sleeping while Darlene was sitting up nude on a bed. She rubbed Desmond's head with a level of affection she never had before. Darlene gets off the couch and goes and puts on a robe. She goes to the living room and grabs an Ipad and opens the Youtube channel. She enters the title, One on One Interview with Paulina Soto.


In the past six months, I never thought my life would be changed so drastically. As I look at the title of the video, I realized how vital Desmond is to me. Five hours ago, I just went live displaying my love life for the whole world to see.
I looked at the video and already had 50000 million and a more favorable comment. I was so pleased.

1 Day Early

Yesterday, Karen had put me in contact with Paulina Soto, one of her top students from her journalism class. Paulina was a 24-year-old Master's student, who was in her last semester. Paulina needed an interview for her final grade. She really must have been praying because here I was knee-deep in shit in allegations, and I happened to show up in Grand Rapids.
Karen introduced me to Paulina in Ferris's state journalism broadcast film studio. Paulina was elated to talk to me as she shook my hand with enthusiasm.
"Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to interview you, Ms. Sailes."
"No, thank you. Hopefully, with this interview, we can clear up a lot of misunderstanding."
"Great, well, we give us about twenty minutes, and we will be ready for you," Paulina replied before walking away. Yet, I had a request that needed to be asked.
"Wait. I have a favor to ask you."
"What is it, if you don't mind leaving out any embarrassing question or questions that make me look suspicious of anything, could you not asked them."
"Ms. Sailes. I know this type of interview can make anyone uneasy; however, to keep the true spirit of journalism alive, I must ask questions no matter how difficult they are to answer. Besides, if I don't ask the questions people want you to answer, it will only make you look guilty."
"Right! Well, do you have any advice to give me," I asked?
"Yeah, first relax and answer the question truthful as possible."
As promised, I gave Paulina an exclusive for the whole world to hear. After Paulina gave an introduction, she really got to the nitty-gritty with her answers.
"Ms. Sailes, you were once married to a Mr. Terrance ______ for nearly twenty years. Can you tell me what happened between you two? After two years since your divorce, do you feel comfortable telling us what happened? "
"Terrance and I agreed, well, I agreed longer saw that our marriage needed not to continue."
"What was the cause of divorce."
"Infidelity on his part."
"Is that the Terrance______ that is running for mayor of Detroit?"
"So when did you meet Desmond?"
"I met Desmond seven months ago."
"You have a little "You Got Mail," fling going on there," Darlene asked as used a movie reference.
"You can say that it is a little bit more than that."
"How serious are you two?"
"Hopefully, serious enough that we can stay together for a long time."
"Like marriage." Paulina looked at me with curiosity."
"Again, hopefully!" I giggled.
As the interview was going, I saw that Paulina was getting me to relax so she can ask the difficult questions. I started to feel like a lamb being fattened for the slaughter.
"As you know, there are allegations of you dating a student, which is against school policies. Why did you decide to violate them."
"At first, I did not know Desmond enrolled in my class or my school. I met Desmond the summer before my semester. When we found out, we decided to take drastic measures so that we could see each other. I admit I asked a few favors a colleague from another college to look over his transcript to see if they would give him a late enrollment waiver. That colleague asked the school's Dean to consider. Desmond already took the majority of classes with an astounding G.P.A of 3.7 to enter into law school, which impressed the school board to allow him to attend."
"What about the fraud accusations about a scholarship fund that your school is a participant for the tri-county area. Did you pull any favors being part of the board in the spirit of nepotism?"
"I recommended Desmond to apply. Desmond's hard work has gotten him the scholarship, not by me asking favors. I was not part of the judging process, as it is by regulation that I had to make the board know about any relations to a person who is applying for the scholarship. I did not; I could have been legally fined and relieved of any duties at my college. " I replied with strong conviction."
"Desmond sounds like a hard-working man. You are fortunate to have him."
"I am!"
"Speaking of being relieved of your duties, I heard you have been fired from your position at your college, and Desmond has been expelled from his school. What is the next move?
"I am going to sue for the unjust terminations from the university. Desmond is going to sue his school for his unfair expulsion.
"Wow, that is a power move. Well out time has come to an end. Ms. Sailes, thank you for the interview, and I hope everything works out for you and Desmond."
"Thank you."
Just like that, the interview was over. The butterflies I was feeling in my stomach had turned to a feeling of empowerment. I did not know what the exclusive was going to do for me, but I am glad I got that shit off my chest. 


After the interview, I finally understood how much Darlene had my back. No woman in my life never stood up for me the way she did. The questions of her hoping to be with me had a brother feeling a type of way that I never felt before. When I got up, I saw Darlene looking at the interview on her tablet. It was earlier in the morning, and I could tell she been up for hours. She did not even hear me until I planted a kiss on her neck.

"Love you touching me there is making my nipples hard. Are you trying to get me wild up for another round in bed?"
"Then, I should keep going?"
"Not until you see the interviews on Youtube, and the majority of the comments are positive."
"That is good fucking to hear?" I replied. Darlene put the tablet down and looked at me with a stern look of affection.
"Desmond, we need to talk?"
"I am all ears."
"Last night, I really felt something special between us. It was like this magical sexual moment we shared."
"Yeah, I felt it too. I can't explain it. Maybe because we got through the worst of I dunno."
"Whatever this new feeling is telling me that we need to make our relationship permeant," Darlene replied. I was taken back as I knew what she wanted. I was thinking the same thing, but I did not know what she felt the same way.
"I think we should, too bad I don't have a ring," I replied. It was all unexpected.
"Well, lucky for you, I got one!"
"When did you get a ring?"
"Do you remember the time when we were at Fairlane that day we had sex in Victoria Secret."
"Yeah! Well, while you were off buying clothes, I decided to get an engagement ring."
"I guess you knew I was going to ask you to marry you?"
"No! It was just wishful thinking at the time."
"So, where is this ring, so I can take yo' beautiful ass off the market for good," I replied. Darlene got up and went to her purse. She removed a 24 karat diamond ring and had handed it to me.
"Well, go on. Take me off the market." She replied. I took the ring and got down one knee.
"Will you marry me, Ms. Darlene Sailes?"
"Yes, I will, Mr. Green," Darlene replied. Once I slipped the ring on her finger, I got up and kissed Darlene passionately.
"Tonight, we are going to celebrate. I am taking you to dinner." Darlene replied. "For know, I want to ride you until I can't squirt more!"
"Damn, can I get something to eat. A brother is hungry."
"You can, but I am first on the menu, then I will make you my appetizer," Darlene replied with a giggle.
"Fuck it then. Bacon and eggs can wait." I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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