Chapter 93- This Feeling Isn't Nice

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After you returned to the practice room the boys had already started warming up. Hoseok gave you a glance and truth be told, you were almost frightened by it. Now, you believe EunBi when she'd told you that HoSeok can get pretty scary when it comes to his work. Especially if his work includes dancing. Nevertheless, as you sat down on the floor, to take a breather from the day's work out and wait for them to finish the rest of their warm-up, HoSeok came and sat down next to you with his legs crossed. You gave him a weirded out gaze, preparing yourself to most likely hear a not so mentally uplifting speech from the harshest judge in this building. 

"Y/N...," he begins and you gulp down your saliva, there's already sweat dripping down from HoSeok's forehead and the way he is looking at YoonGi and SeokJin who are doing some movements from the choreography in a rather silly way is truly unkind.

"Yes?" you ask with hesitation.

When his eyes shift to you they appear to soften, it puts at ease by a little bit. "I just wanted to say thank you for doing this for us and don't worry too much about your dancing, okay? As long as you want it, you'll master and me and Jimin- even the rest of the guys- are here to help you."

To say that you're not caught off guard by the softness of his voice and his kind words, that would be a huge fat lie. But the relief that you feel when you process and understand the meaning of his words is huge.

"Wow, uh...thanks Hobi," you look down at the floor and awkwardly rub your forearm, "I just want you guys to get what you deserve. I'm glad you're not chopping my head off if I'm frank."

HoSeok chuckles at the last comment and after he takes a sharp inhale he says, "I get a little bit passionate about dance, I'm sorry if it intimidated you."

"I understand don't worry," you smiled at him and he patted your back before he sat up and clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention.

The real practice has begun.

To not be too detailed on it, by the end of this everyone's legs felt like jell-o. At some point, TaeHyung may have mentioned that he'd lost the feeling of his legs but again that could've been his dramatic self being dramatic.

"I love Hoseok," you heave as you lie like a starfish on the floor, "But man I'm never signing up for his classes."

Jimin, who is standing above you, hears your comment and laughs, only seconds later for him to be laying down next to you with a red face and he too heaving for air.

"Hey, hey! Why are the two of you lying down?" Hoseok's voice booms and you can see him from the wall mirror that he's pointing at the two of you, "We have to do cool down exercises!"

You groan. Loudly. If Jimin had a breath he would laugh but Jungkook did in his place.

"Y/N is so relatable right now," Yoongi chuckles.

"Why don't you join them?" Taehyung asks him.

"If I lie on the floor now, you're not getting me up until after the competition," Yoongi mutters and he earns a snicker from SeokJin who's leaning on the wooden ballet barre for support.

"Come on everybodyyyy," HoSeok chimes and starts doing the cool down exercises to motivate everyone to follow him.

"I'm definitely the good teacher," Jimin mumbles as he sits up on the floor and then stands up to his feet with whatever strength he has left. 

He looks down at you and honestly, it doesn't look like you're going to get up any time soon. Without assistance at least. Ergo, Jimin extends his arm for you to take and pulls you up. You're not sure where he found the strength to that, but his bicep certainly looked very cool through the while sleeve of his shirt.

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