Chapter 25- 12 Hour Long Sleep

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You look up in fear to see Jimin's face. His eyes are closed, his mouth has formed a disgusted frown. 

He slowly brings his hand to his face and drags it down his face so as to get rid of the feeling that he has germs on his face. 

He slowly opens his eyes and you take a sharp breath when you see his glare. 

"Um... Yeah... Sorry about that..." You say in a rush and push him slightly to manage and squeeze through the gap between him and the door frame, to get in your house and then get locked in your room. 

Why are you being this weird? shouldn't be worried, trying to find ways and escape the situation. You should be standing there probably laughing at his face, for getting sneezed on twice today. 

But you're not. Is it because you have no idea of how he's going to react? Probably. Today he's been mean, but he's also been caring and kind. This confuses you a lot because if you know how he's going to react, then you will know how to react. Let's remember the fact that you are trying to befriend him, once again, and you being mean to him for no specific reason will take few a few steps back more. However, if you are kind to him and he just blows you off with a sarcastic and hostile sentence you'll feel fooled. 

Having an idea of what he's reaction might be you can prepare yourself and your reaction, as well. If he's going to make a fuss about it, you can return the favor, if he's not then you won't make it a big deal either. 

It's so annoying that the lines between you are blurred, right? 


As you pass by him ready to dash to your room, he grabs your wrist and turns you around bringing you a little to close for anyone's liking, so close that his breath is literally hitting your face,

"This is the second time this happens. Even if I get sick even if I don't get sick because of this, I'll be seeking revenge" he says the glare in his eyes getting stronger. 

Thankfully, given his response,  it's true that you are back to being so-called-enemies and it's a relief, at least you'll know how to continue from now on. 

"Thanks for the heads-up" you purse your lips and give your neutral response. Not challenging, but not offending either, just like it used to be a week ago, but with much more space between the two of you.

Jimin huffs and warm air hits your face as he lets go of your wrist and turns around as he walks to stand in front of the elevator doors while he presses the button to summon it. 

"You're leaving?" You peek your head outside and give him a confused look. 

"Yes," he turns his head to look at you, "I know you want to see my face more often, but please, this is not for you"  he quirks an eyebrow an motions to his face and body with this hand. 

"You're such a vain. I don't like seeing your bitchy face" You spit back.

"Ooohh, yeah, that's why you agreed to being my fake girlfriend" he gives you a smirk and you gasp, you weren't expecting something like that,  but before you can respond to him he has already hoped onto the elevator and the doors are closed. 

Did he imply that he thinks I like him or anything? 

"Huh!" you huff, "ME? Liking him? Haha! Oh no, no, no. He's very full of himself If he thinks so!"  you mutter in anger and forcefully close the door, while you take your coat and shoes off. 

Calm down, Y/N he just wants to annoy you... 

You tell yourself over and over again trying to calm down. 

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