Chapter 57- Worst Moment

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Chapter 57

"What took you so long? We thought you were going to catch up to us before we made it here!" NamJoon says as he sees you, Jungkook and Jimin entering the room were history is about to be written and ears are going to bleed. 

The room is quite spacious, enough to fit fifteen people comfortably, there is a big television on the one wall, opposite from the couch and small coffee table in the middle. 

The walls are white however they look like green and pink as the colored lights fall on them. 

"He had a hard time finding a coat," Jungkook glares at Jimin and Jimin just gives him a sheepish smile.

Soon, ChaeRin opens the door and she smiles to everyone, "What are you waiting for? Let's start singing!" 

Everyone cheers and Taehyung is the first one who sings, as he is the star of the night. 

"Okay, okay I will chose a song right now," he says with his deep voice, "But someone please get some Soju over here, karaoke without drinking is very no fun" he says and in the end switches to English making you chuckle. 

"IT'S RIGHT HERE!!" a boy from the back yells and everyone becomes startled but once he raises his arm up and everyone sees that he's holding a bag with a bunch of Soju bottles in, they laugh and cheer. 

"Okay, perfect, I will continue now," Taehyung says once he has received his small glass of Soju, holding it in his one hand as he searches through songs and he comes across Adele's 'Someone Like You'. 

He chooses this song and a few are disappointed that he did not choose a more cheer-y one but he doesn't change his mind and starts singing with his deep voice. 

And so the night goes on, everyone drinks, sings silly songs and enjoys their time. 

Yoongi and Hoseok of course did not lose the chance to have a duet with each other. 

Yeah, let's just say they did not recieve many points...

Jungkook took the game too seriously and sang his heart out to Charlie Puss, and Justin Bieber scoring the highest scores. 

But of course, when Eunbi decided to perform EXID's 'Up&Down' Jungkook And Hoseok could stop the urge to dance and so  they had a dance show as well while Eunbi tried her hardest to keep up with the rap, but seeing this is not her cup of tea she gave up and handed the mick over to NamJoon who rapped it with a high pitched voice, making everyone laugh their buts off. 

As much as you want to have fun, though, you aren't. 

You can't find the strenght to simply relax and laugh at SeokJin and Yoongi who are 
fighting over who is going to get the only empty seat there is left on the couch; SeokJin pulling out the card that he's the eldest and needs to rest and then Yoongi stating that he's the grandpa of the group therefore should have the seat, but Jin denying it completely calling him lazy. 

In the end, Taehyung is the one who sits on the seat as the two don't even notice him, being to deep into their little argument. 

Still, though, even when they see Taehyung sitting there and they start laughing their buts off for being so clueless, you don't feel a change. 

You keep thinking of everything that took place not even two hours ago. 

You keep wondering how Jimin can become so friendly when the previous day he wasn't even talking to you and only gave you his best glares. 

How can he be so fine with it? 

You think, wondering how he looks so comfortable, like non of the previous fights you've had before exist anymore, like all the reasons he hated you for have seized to exist. 

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