Chapter 52- About Time

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The door opens and you and Jimin fall behind to the person's feet.

You look up and see ChaeRin hovering over the both you.

"Ooh!! Jiminieeee! You're here!!" she squirms in a cute, way as you and Jimin sit up.

"What do you want?" he asks, feeling the anger rising up once again.

"I just need to talk to you about something," she says giving him a shy look.

"About?" You ask, without warning entering the conversation.

"Non of your business," her eyes avert to yours and she gives you a smug look, "Now, come on Jimin, I want to apologize properly about what happened at the party," she says pouting her lips and looking up at Jimin.

And now you feel your stomach twist.

She wants to apologize to him and not you?

Or is it just an excuse to get him alone and 'attack' him again?

Yes, it's definitely an excuse. There's is not way ChaeRin would feel bad about that night.

Suddenly, you feel a something washing over you that you have never experienced with Jimin being the reason of that feeling.

You feel overprotective of him.

You've always been protective; to any one; even Jimin.

But not ever have you been overprotective.

Especially Jimin.

Now, what is this need to get him of her claws as fast as possible?

You look over at Jimin and you see that he is avoiding eye-contact with ChaeRin, who is awaiting for his response.

So, you decide to act out on your feelings;

"ChaeRin, I do not think this is the appropriate place for this. If you truly feel apologetic about that night then you won't mind chasing him around until you get the chance to talk to him," you say, with a smirk, skipping the part that she needs to apologize to you too because it most likely will cause an argument between you and the last thing you want is staying for any longer in front of that fake face.

"And... Didn't you say you were going to keep quiet and only talk with that friend of yours at the couch? I'm not sure if me and Jimin are your friends," you spit and place your hand in Jimin's, "Let's go to Taehyung, Jimin," You tell him and start walking towards Taehyung.

You still hold Jimin's hand as you walk, him following right behind you, but suddenly you feel a strong tug at your hand and it pulls you a few steps back.

You look behind you and you see that ChaeRin has stopped Jimin mid way and is whispering something in his ear.

"You won't always have her around, I'll be here chasing you until she goes away,"

Then she pulls back and more loudly tells him, "What are you? Her puppy to follow her around?"

And this crosses the line of Jimin's patience.

All the times he was called a puppy of Chae-Rin's come to his mind and it only angers him. The blood in his vains starts boiling. He so badly wishes to start yelling at her, to tell her how much he hates her, how much she hurt him, how much she doesn't deserve him, but he can't find the strength to to that. No matter the anger that is suffocating him, there is one tiny thing that just locks up everything.

Like there is a door keeping all he wants to tell her locked up and this door can only be opened with one key.

A key he has no idea where to find or even how it looks.

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