Chapter 32- Balance

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"Why are you so kind to me?" he asks, now his voice in full seriousness.

This question catches you totally off guard, you were expecting some casual drunk man's question, such as why is the sky blue, or why isn't pink a natural hair color, but this... This was far away from your expectations and you don't really understand what he means by it so as to give him an accurate answer.

"What do you mean, Jimin?" you ask him as you set his boots down and head to fix the pillows underneath him to make him more comfortable.

"I mean t-that I'm so bad towards you, eshpecially today, yet again here you are taking care of meee," he mispronouncing a few words but his words make you fall into deep thought.

Of course he's been hostile and mean to you with no valid reason (for you at least) and yet again you keep helping him whenever he's at need. You're not supposed to help him, you're not friends, you're not family, you're nothing but two people who are supposed to dislike each other.

Yet, again that gut inside you doesn't want to be that way. You want to get on better terms with him, you want to become friends with him, you want him to see that you're not a bad person, that you are trustworthy. You want to be able to see past his hostile and cold and overconfident self, you want to see the shy, kind, caring and Jimin that everyone keeps talking about.

Everytime you decide that you should plainly give up in this attempt to befriend him and make him see that you're not what he thinks that you are, he does small actions that give you hope and keep trying and grabbing every chance there is to interact with him.

It's like repeating cycle, he's nice, you get hope to continue then he turns hostile and bring brings you to the point of giving up and then goes back to doing something that gives you hope, starting all over again
Throughout all those circles, you told yourself that you'd try to get closer to him without getting attached. You like to think that you haven't gotten attached yet, but your actions say otherwise.

If you hadn't gotten attached enough, then you wouldn't be bringing his drunk ass to your house to take care of him. You'd search for one of your mutual friends at the party and have them take care of him and then you'd head off to your apartment spending the rest of the night with movies and pizza, with no guilt, not caring about what you said to Chae-Rin you would do.

If you didn't care enough, you wouldn't be so much convincing towards Chae-Rin when you played the good girlfriend, saying heart-melting words to make her shut up.
Suddenly, you realize that indeed you have gotten attached to him and if you don't make the terms between you more satisfying you're going to burst.

On the other hand, you feel like bursting at the thought that you didn't keep the promise you made to yourself.

​​​​However before you can find a solution and get rid of all those mixed feelings, Jimin's voice cuts your train of thoughts off once again and you fail to convince yourself that you've not done such thing so as to get attached to him.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"About what?" you ask and sit on the floor cross-legged and looking up at him.

​​​​​"About what I said about your parents today...," He in a Whisper, barely audible, but you don't fail to hear it.
You take in a sharp breath and hold it in for a few seconds.

He's doing that thing again.

He's showing you is other side.

He's filling you up with hope, making you believe that the outcome will be satisfying in the end if you keep staying close to him instead of giving up and keeping him as far away as possible.

Just A Play [Jimin X Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon