"So how are things going with you and Casey now that you're back in the apartment?"

"We're better" She finishes a third slice of pizza, neither girl really cares that they're overeating on pizza and cookie dough. "The space really helped, plus Carlos is really helping us stay together."

"You should bring him by more. I miss him – Carlos, I mean. I see Matt enough" She jokes causing Sienna to laugh.

"How about babysitting tomorrow? Matt and I need one day just for ourselves before the next shift."

Sienna grins, "Sounds good. I'm working until 9 pm, but Antonio's off early. Where are you two going?"

Gabby beams, "Dinner, movie and a bit of...you know" She raises her eyebrows in a suggested manner causing Sienna to cackle. "You're the absolute worst."

"I've walked in on you and my brother more times than I wanted to see, and I'm scarred for life, so payback is just starting"

"The only reason you walk in on us is because you always unlock a lock door"


Antonio has the biggest bitch of a hangover the next morning when he wakes up.

"Hallo sunshine" Sienna grins cheekily as he groans with one eye opened.

"Lower your voice" He grumbles grabbing a pillow to put over his head. "Can you please shut the drapes?"

Sienna laughs, "Drapes are shut loser; I can't switch off the sun. Anyway, baby, I have work in three hours. You want to grab breakfast with me?"

"No" He whines, "I don't ever want to leave this bed"

"You have a shift today so you have to" She chuckles leaning down to kiss his forehead. "I'll bring you coffee and an aspirin"

He mumbles something incoherently as she walks downstairs to get him coffee and aspirin.

Antonio's still in bed by the time she gets upstairs. "Come on baby, drink the aspirin" She tells him handing him the coffee and pill.

He pouts when he's finished gulping down the medicine, "I'm off today"

"What, no?"

He nods, "Our free-time and furlough have changed. I'm off today and again on the 28th"

She frowns, "Our schedules don't match. I'm not going to have an off-day with you this month" She pouts.

Antonio completely forgets his hangover when he looks at his wife, she's not kidding right now. He walks up to her and hugs her, "It's fine baby, we can spend time together after work"

She sighs, "Yeah I guess. Will you please come to breakfast?"

Antonio gives her a small smile, "Of course" He quickly showers and dresses in jeans and a blue tight-fitting sweater.

Hand-in-hand they go for a breakfast run at Claire's Café.

He wraps his one arm around her as they eat their breakfast – waffle for Sienna and scrambled eggs and bacon for Antonio.

"This is nice" She presses a kiss to cheek, "I know you don't feel so well but thank you for having breakfast with me"

Antonio frowns as he turns her around to face her, "There's nowhere else I want to be than with my wife, alright? I'm sorry our off-days and furloughs don't match, but we are going to make the best out of our time together."

She grins and kisses him, "I love you"

He smiles, "I love you too."


Maggie's surgery is scheduled for this evening. It's been a week since she told Sienna about donating her kidney and now it's finally happening.

Sienna gets Connor to relief her for an hour before her shift ends so she can be with Maggie while the charge nurse gets her donation surgery.

She grabs Maggie's hand in hers, "You're doing a very brave thing Mags"

She smiles, "You'll be in the waiting room?"

"There's nowhere else I'd be."


"Sienna" Sharon smiles as she sits down next to her Trauma Chief. "You think she's making the right call?"

Sienna chuckles softly, "Maggie always makes the right call."

Sharon grins. The two wait in the living room for the surgeon to come out.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without Maggie; she's like the glue to the trauma ER"

Sharon chuckles, "Look at that, Maggie always tells me you're the heartbeat. I heard you telling April that you and Antonio's off-days don't match."

"Yeah, it sucks but it's only for this month"

"Have you guys thought of adopting?" Sharon continues to ask causing Sienna to chuckle, "Sharon Goodwin, are you asking me about my private life?"

Sharon laughs, "We're not co-workers at this moment, we're just friends waiting to hear news about our other friend."

She beams, "We haven't thought of adopting. We're both busy with work and Antonio has the gym, the right time hasn't come yet"

Sharon sighs, "The right time will never come if you don't decide it is."

Sienna looks at Sharon, "Thanks"

Sharon squeezes her shoulder, "You'll make a great mom Sienna. I can see that from a mom's perspective."

Sienna hugs Sharon, "You don't know how much that means to me."

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