I push his head to face forward "Eyes on the road O'Connor" He smiles, accelerating "Yes ma'am!".

Once we're home we sigh in relief in sync, dropping our heavy bodies on the couch beside each other. "I'm so tired" I sigh out, closing my eyes and resting my head on his shoulder.

He sighs "yeah, me too..."

Its quiet for a while, but something pops into my head. "Hey nathan..?" I call out cautiously. "Yeah?" He lols his head to the side to look at me, i pull my bottom lip between my teeth.

His soft green eyes search my face "something on your mind?" He takes my hand in his and caress' the back of it with his thumb soothingly. I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding, "Your nightmares..." He stiffens, his breathing shallow.

"What about them.." He looks down at our hands instead of me. "What.. causes them?"

"A-and why have they stopped?" He frowns "what?"

"The nightmares, you haven't had them since i can remember" He chuckles softly, "you happened... i had them when i wasn't around you, when i couldn't feel your presence" I smile "that's kind of cheesy.."

He nods "i know, but you.. you help the pain go away from that day.."

"What.. day?"

There's a long pause, i can almost see his brain working as if he's trying to figure something out. "Damn it i don't think i should be telling you this" He mumbles audibly, sitting up right and looking me right in the eye.

"Telling me what, nathan?" I press, my throat going dry with anticipation and fear.

Is this what he and the girls were talking about? Back at the hotel in london?

"You need to stay calm, and not.. freak out. Okay?"

I nod slowly "okay..." i drag out, my heart beating rapidly in its cage. "About.. 4 years ago, i was in an accident. The one that caused the scars yes i told you about it" He speaks quickly, playing with my fingers as he talks.

"But there's more.. my dad, he-" He sucks in a breath "He's an asshole." He states, finally looking me in the eye.

His eyes hold fear, regret, anger and hatred. All of it seeming to be directed towards his father.

"But he was so-"
"-nice, yes he was friendly and wholehearted and bubbly whatever the fuck but its all an act Anastasia. He's not a good person he- goddamn it he-" He stutterns, pulling away from my touch and running his hands through his hair.

"He caused the accident, my mum and i were on our way to visit mike. This was back in our hometown; where your family also happen to be living. Mike lived there too, in a different part of the city. My father, he had this huge business deal with Mr Baker and mum and i were on the way to tell them to not close the deal because she knew my father was a fraud. She overheard him on the phone the night before, he was talking to some agent and they were planning on driving Mr Baker and his company into bankruptcy and she couldn't let that happen, i-i couldn't." He looks down at his feet, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped together as he gulps down.

"Another friend of mine was in the car, he was one of mike and i's close friends. My dad hired some truckdriver desperately in need of money. He used that poor man to kill his own wife and son. He paid that man to drive a 16 wheeler trailer right into our SUV..." His jaw clenches, the pain in his voice so raw my heart aches.

"The truck crashed into us, our car flew across the street and turned 5 or so times. My mother was in critical condition and i was almost dead by the time we reached the hospital. My friend that was with us broke his arm, his leg, cracked 2 ribs and-" I notice a single tear slip down his cheek, his knuckles white from squeezing his fists so hard.

We're Just Friends [BOOK 1 Of The 'We're Just' Trilogy]]Where stories live. Discover now