Leone Abbacchio • Unexpected

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"God, you're tedious."

Bucciarati was passionately against the prevalent drug trade within Naples, harrowed by its effect on the youth. Inevitably, his attitudes were inherited by his team members, meaning light of drugs being distributed in their assigned territory, was not taken lightly by them. It had been assumed that such unforgivable actions were being carried out by one of the narcotics teams, exploiting impressionable children for money.

Their hunt pointed to a couple of lowgrade, delinquent gangsters. Bucciarati was determined to find them and deter their behaviour, very willing to throw a few punches if needed.

"We'll split up the team:" Bucciarati began. "Fugo, Mista, with me; Abbacchio, (Y/n), Narancia, you'll search the lower town. There is more ground to cover there."

Abbacchio's heavy sigh was all you needed to deduce how unimpressed he was at the grouping. You thought you'd be used to his personality after joining ten or so months ago, yet it always left you dispirited. He had never warmed to you, perhaps because you were not afraid to stick up for yourself.

Nevertheless, you were undeniably attracted to him—so much so that you were willing to put up with it.

"How great is it that we are in the same team, (Y/n)?" Narancia shot a smile to you, that you gratefully returned.

Bucciarati was resolved. "Let's find these scum."

Your team marched through a familiar maze of streets, quiet with an underlying tension. If it wasn't for Narancia's offhandedly entertaining comments, you weren't sure how you would cope.

"...so it made me think; do spiders know they're spiders? Like, if a spider saw another spider, do they know that's a spider?" Narancia hummed at his own questions, face scrunched in thought.

Abbacchio certainly wouldn't entertain such trivial tangents on a mission, but you couldn't help humouring him. "You should test out this hypothesis, Nara. Put two spiders together and see if they become best buds."

Abbacchio grumbled in front. "Why encourage him?"

You met the man's narrowed eyes and simply cocked a brow at his unregarded question. Despite their exuding indifference, his irises fascinated you and like always, you stared for a little too long. He made a sound that was not quite a grunt and diverted his attention ahead. Somewhat disheartened, you merely answered Narancia's questions with hums until you reached the lower town.

"Narancia, take these photos and ask local shop owners if they have seen them recently. Utilise any leads." Abbacchio took charge with ease, passing him two small photos. "(Y/n), with me."

The young boy nodded, head held high as he strode towards a small bakery with resolution. Concurrently, you rubbed your brow in preparation for a headache and began to tail behind Abbacchio.

You had passed a few sidestreets before you spoke. "Where are we scouting first?"

A few strides ahead of you, he made sure to speak up. "Alleyways."

A man of few words was Abbachio. His blunt remarks consistently grated on you and in the present moment, it was hard not to roll your eyes into your skull. Void of conversation, you followed until you reached the first alleyway; a potential stomping ground for troublesome juveniles.

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