Jotaro Kujo • Teensy Bit Flustered

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This is set just after the Wheel of Fortune fight :)

"Well," You stared at the unremarkable car that had no doors and an unexplainable hole through the passenger seat. "this is hugely underwhelming."

Joseph Joestar murmured, lifting his hat to wipe his brow. "I've never seen a sorrier looking car. I'm hoping it will get us to the border at least."

"That's optimistic, old man." Jotaro added with a cigarette between his lips, hands cupped as he ignites it. He passed a look over Anne as he drifted, only raising a brow at her scrunched nose and feigned cough.

Joseph trying to start the car had become utterly soul-destroying to watch, especially after the fourteenth failed attempt. He tried speaking encouraging words. It didn't listen. Tried to catch the ignition again, didn't work and he throttled the steering wheel. After giving the tire a swift kick for good measure, he finally decided that this was a job for Hermit Purple.

Trying to be remotely helpful, you began to circle the vehicle with zero intent and noticed the trunk sitting not quite right. Curiously, you pressed it down and then pressed it even harder after not hearing the lock catch. "The trunk is busted," You tried slamming it down a few times, probably causing further damage.

From the engine, Joseph scoffed in further annoyance. "What a good for nothing piece of junk. No matter—just make sure there's nothing inside, otherwise it'll fly out when we eventually hit the road."

You was hardly stirred by the contents; a torch, a spare tire and what appeared to be a medical kit. Before you could discard it all, Polnareff approached in intrigue.

"Is that—oh it is! Look, Jojo, Kakyoin. A first-aid kit." Polnareff held up the box, jiggling it beside his ear for some unknown reason. "I don't know about you both, but I'd like to have the gasoline cleaned from my body. One false move with a cigarette and I'll turn into a poor man's flambé."

Kakyoin threw a look over to the chained 'monk'. There was amusement behind his smirk, as he began unbuttoning his uniform. "If he had anticipated his defeat, he couldn't have been that confident. Well, all the better for us."

The two set out to treat their wounds and you looked to Jotaro, who was watching with little interest. Accustomed to his stubbornness, you dug around the kit and missed him grumbling under his hat.

You approached him, supplied with tools and a perfectly straight-face. "Strip."

Cigarette smoke caught in his throat and he coughed sharply and Anne hastily clamped her hands over her ears.

Polnareff whistled, ouh là là-ing. "My, my, (Y/n)! How scandalous—"

You clicked your tongue, kneeling on the dry road. "Head out of the gutter, please Pol."

"I don't need to be fussed over." Jotaro turned his body away, briefly looking at mountain wall. "Go help Polnareff, he probably doesn't know what he's doing."

You let his voice go in through one ear and out the other, having already begun to douse a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol. He held the cigarette to his firmly pressed lips that hid how much he had his teeth clenched. The resolve on your face assured him that he wasn't getting out of this.

Part of him was fine with that. Maybe, he didn't know.

He cleared his throat. "I said I was fine."

"There are holes in your torso."

A shrug. "A hole is a hole."

"Yes, but they're inevitably worse when they're flammable, Jotaro."

Logic had awarded you the upper hand and Jotaro sat beside you, opting to brood because you had also told him to snuff his cigarette. His arm felt rigid—maybe that was the wrong word. Awkward? That sounded more accurate—his arm sat awkward in your grip, as you dabbed at the blood.

At a glance, he seemed relaxed enough, his chest caved in on one of his knees. He found the floor especially interesting.

On the other hand, with your lip stuck between your teeth, you hadn't expected yourself to feel quite so bashful at touching him topless. Jotaro was, for a fact, very topless. It was morning, maybe a little past that now and the sun had climbed into a cloudless sky, lavishing his skin a bar of golden bronze. He stretched his chest, the muscles rolling underneath with a certain hypnotic quality.

It definitely wasn't the sun that made you feel so hot under the collar.

Jotaro winced, biting his tongue in an attempt to not curse in front of you or an impressionable young Anne. "Watch it, (Y/n)."

Your eyes snapped up to his and he appeared irritated to a slight degree, but he always did to be fair. You uttered a small apology that he merely grunted too, went back to stare a hole into the ground.

His ears had tipped bright red.

A thought struck you after treating him in silence for a few minutes. "You're going to be blazer-less."

"I'll get it custom made in the next town."

"Of course you would find time to have a bespoke blazer made, whilst we are being hunted by enemy stands." You breathed, shaking your head. "That's amazing, really."

A beat. A faint smile. "I wouldn't look as cool beating their ass without it."

Jotaro couldn't have felt more relieved when you moved behind him, as it had become a chore for him to maintain a front of indifference. Every brush of your skin against his, accidental or not, made heat rush through his thighs and it was uncomfortable and it was frustratingly pleasant.

Exposing. Jotaro thanked the heavens that he still had his hat to shadow over his burning face.

You swiped a smear of crusted blood from his back, steadying a hand near his birthmark—that compelling little star and your fingers trailed along the outline and his hand seized yours. You rushed a sorry and yet his grip ceased, as quick as it had come.

"It's fine," He thought it was nice. "just surprised me."

There was a rumble somewhere from behind you and Joseph's exclamation of triumph echoed slightly. You wanted to treat the punctures in his back more, but Jotaro was already rising, pulling his tank top over his head. He turned and offered his hand to you, faint tracks between his brows.

"You wasn't hit, were you?"

You were pulled to standing. "Fortunately not,"

Hands shoved in pockets, stare diverted to the side, he offered a grunt. Satisfied. Anne called for you both to hurry up and Jotaro brushed past and in one seamless combination—curled his hand around your waist and pressed a firm kiss to your cheek.

By the time you reacted, he was already near the car.


ANYWAYS feel like I have butchered the address of what this is written in, it's probably a mix but o h w e l l guess I'll die

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