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"We're not friends! Do you think I'm stupid How can I only be friends with someone who only sees me as... what I was."

I didn't know it showed so clearly. But he's right. He's hit the nail on the head, and I feel my stomach sink.

"Tell me, what did I do. I can apologize, and you can leave me alone."

I thought my being here would be unintrusive, that I could just lurk and make sure everything was alright. But... I'm not capable of that, am I. I'm not the unbiased, unemotional person I try to be.

"I'm sorry." I start.

Is it safe to talk to Caleb about how I feel about him? Is it okay to admit that the things he said about me and my friends hurt me?

I realize I have an arm pressed against myself, clutching my other arm.

Regardless of my feelings, I find myself talking.

"I thought I had detached my emotions from you, but it was just a coping mechanism. I'm angry. Two years have passed since I last heard of you, when you said those things about George on social media. But I'm still angry at you for that, and for everything.

Do you know what he went through? He was going through some things, and just when he needed support the most, his 'friends' turned on him.

I don't think any of you understood what you put him through."

I look at him, holding my breath. Will it be anger? An insistence that it was just what kids do? His face is downturned, and in the faint light of distant streetlights, I can't read it.

"I know exactly what we put him through." He says quietly.


"Because I went through the same thing. I failed the GED myself, after that. Look, I understand that laughing at people was never 'innocent fun.'

I left that group. It wasn't easy. And now I've moved out, I don't know anyone, and I'm trying to meet new people. Don't ruin this for me."

I feel like a jerk. Only thinking about myself. Being blindly negative, the one thing I didn't want to be.

"I'm sorry, Caleb. I never gave you a chance. Let's start over." I say, for the first time truly looking him in the eyes.

His forehead is clenched and his lips are pressed together. His dark eyes meet mine for a moment, thinking, then he relaxes.

"Okay," he says. "We start over."

We stand facing each other on the street for a moment, and I unlock the car, an action to fill the silence.

He gets in and I start driving. His presence behind me presses on me, and I know it will be awkward if I don't say something in the next few seconds.

Giving him a chance, looking at him head on, as if I was meeting a new person.. What would I say to someone I had just met?

"What kinds of things do you like, Caleb?"

Hobbies. Learning about his hobbies is the first thing.

"Funny videos. Cat videos." he says, sounding a bit uneasy. "What about you?"

I wonder warily what he finds funny, but push that thought aside.

"Photography and painting. I practice every night, but the best thing is when I can get out during the day and hike on a trail. I take photos along the way, and set up my painting stuff somewhere nice. It's a really nice way to spend a day." I say wistfully.

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