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The next few days turn into the next few weeks. Hanging out with Emma is the highlight of my day, not second even to playing video games with Elijah, which is really fun.

I start eating better thanks to Emma, and she even teaches me a few recipes to make at home. With walks, a good diet and friendship, I'm pretty happy even if I have little free time.

My novel is coming along well, too- I haven't picked up another contract yet, so I'm free to spend my nights on that.

I'm sitting at my desk at work one day, getting a customer's information.

"Okay, and your full name?"

"George Clinton."

My blood goes cold. The guy who I bullied back in school. I'm talking to him now. In fact, I've been talking to him for the past few minutes.

I limply hold the phone, trying to think past the shame that fills my head.

"Sir?" I faintly hear from the phone.

This is my chance to apologize, however inappropriate it might be to do that at work.

"...I knew you in high school. It's Caleb." I manage to say.

After a moment of shocked silence, he laughs nervously.

"Oh, what a coincidence."

That friendly but scared tone that I never quite recognized for what it was.

"I want to apologize for how I treated you in school. And... everyone." I say.

What I've been wanting to say for years now. I know it's not easy to forgive someone, and I probably won't be. But I needed to say that.

There's a pause on the other end.

"Oh... uh, that's okay." he says awkwardly.

"No, it wasn't."

He should be telling me he's angry with me, or that he doesn't forgive me. But instead it's awkward and he's using that evasive tone... well, what else is he supposed to do?

I hurt him. Of course he's not going to be vulnerable and admit it. And like me, he's not the angry type.

There's another moment of silence.

"Let's finish the call." I say.

Might as well offer him a way out.

When we've finished our business he hangs up, and I sit back to see Emma watching me.

How long has she been there?

She smiles warmly at me for a split second, then looks back at her screen.

I feel a sort of lightness and pain.

But there's no time to focus on it just now, I need to get back to work.

Mysterious RomanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang