THE CHANCE OF STEPPING OUT OF THEIR HOUSE never happened when you were one soft human that turns into a puddle whenever a witcher had some peace offering hidden under the table like an awkward magician slithering away a necklace around your neck; quietly hoping you would stop being petty over a horse.

You'll get to talk to Roach soon; face to face and in all seriousness as you plot down who's the actual main squeeze who could give Geralt what he needed and wanted.

Jaskier, Cirilla and Kolby proceeded to where they needed to go; but not before leaving without a memory that got you cackling one way or another because of some uncultivated playtime that has happened between you, the bard and Kolby.

It needed to be told. The feral tale was needed to be said to the witcher who had no idea before you'd tried to ambush his silence with your pettiness a while ago.

"Geralt?" You called out to him in a careful manner. The need for knocking thrown out of the page when you've timorously slipped your head inside the room to see him dighting his silver sword with a liquefied source of molten yellow substance that involved in the alchemy that you didn't need to learn about as said by the witcher.

He continued to polish his weapon as you'd merrily jogged to where Geralt sat on the side of his bed, never lifting his head up to acknowledge your presence

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

He continued to polish his weapon as you'd merrily jogged to where Geralt sat on the side of his bed, never lifting his head up to acknowledge your presence. His snowy hair partly tied just like how he used to. You've offered to give him another braid but he immediately refused because of the fact that it made him look feminine---the cause of it was because of the bard's teasing the night you were in heat---his masculinity being threatened which only made you more determined to create a flower crown and put it on his head next time.

You promptly and thoughtlessly planted your derriere down on the bed, receiving a brief once over from him as he'd caught that goody-goody look in your eyes.

"I thought monsters in your world can't be tamed?"

Geralt swiftly shook his head while he sluggishly swabbed the cloth through the sharp blades of his sword.

"They really can't. That's impossible. No beast can be controlled or tamed."

Your eyes were focused on his torpid movements; those streaked, mighty hands that has already been in places that men back in earth hanker after you; his hefty, skillful hands that went under the canopy of your sanctified shadows that dispensed such light, provoking greed for whatever the luster may bring.

Dang, it was horny hours again and you know that it wasn't the Djinn's work that's functioning today.

Dang, it was horny hours again and you know that it wasn't the Djinn's work that's functioning today

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
✨Witcher of the Night | Geralt of Rivia (HIATUS) ✨Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin