Part Ten: A Whole New Issue

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"Sounds better than Valentino, that's for sure.." Angel responded hunching forward with his top set of arms leaning on his knees as the lower set held his shins.

"Heard of him, nasty prick. But he's no threat to Alastor, that's why he hides behind Vox. He gets protection and the TV demon gets more to produce on his network." Husk studied the despondent expression on Angel's face before passing him the half drunk booze bottle. "At least he can't get to you here. Take solace in that."

"Thanks.." The spider demon accepted the bottle and took a swig out of it. He was starting to become accustomed to the strong liquor inside, barely noticing the burn in the back of his throat any more. "The view is pretty amazing from up here.." He added looking out over the back of the huge light up letters above the main hotel and out to the city in front of them.

"Best in the city.." Husk agreed nodding, accepting the bottle as the sun spider next to him passed it back..


"Um, Husker.. I was hoping we could talk about your drinking.." The tentative tone of Charlie sounded making Husk narrow his eyes in some distaste. He had been waiting for this. It was only a matter of time until she approached him and she had accosted him halfway to the bar Ashe was coming onto his shift.

"What about it?" He asked taking a large gulp of his booze bottle right in front of her making the Princess of Hell throw him a concerned look.

"It's, how should I say, a little out of hand. Right? And the first step to fixing any problem is admitting it.." She grinned widely at him as the pair stood in the lobby of the Hazbin hotel.

"Ok. I have a problem.." He started making Charlie's smile widen hugely. "I'm just not willing to do anything about it." Her smile dropped.

"Oh. Well, the thing is this place is about helping demons better themselves and that includes the staff." Charlie continued and followed him to the bar as he unlocked it and entered. She was still smiling looking nervous as she did. Her small white fingers fidgeted with each other.

"Great.." Husk rolled his eyes still not caring about what she said and his sarcasm went right over the Princess of Hell's head.

"So I was thinking that since both you and Angel have similar problems with addictions that you two might sponsor each other.." Her words made him blink in confusion and shock.

"The fuck is a sponsor?" The grey and white furred cat demon responded setting his booze bottle down on his side of the bar away from Charlie's reach, obviously thinking she intended to take it off of him. Good luck with that, tougher demons than her had tried and failed.. He was almost positive Alastor was letting her do this to him, Husk wouldn't put it passed him.

"You should try to curb that language too while your at it.."

"Hmh, doubt it.." The cat demon retorted in a jaded fashion pulling out his set of cards and shuffling, intending to play a solo game of cards while waiting for someone who actually intended to drink to come to the bar.

"Anyway, a sponsor is someone that has similar issues and shows moral and emotional support on the road to rehabilitation. They're supposed to be really beneficial and I notice that Angel has been hanging out with you a lot so I thought maybe you could help each other. Whatta ya say?"

The cards suddenly sprayed everywhere behind the bar as Husk blinked in shock then glared at Charlie.

"On no! No way! There is no way in the nine circles of—"

"I think it's a marvellous idea!!" The sound of the Radio Demon exclaimed as Alastor materialised into the bar with his wide unhinged smile, a flash of delight in his red maniacal eyes.

"Of course you do..." Husk intoned slapping his face then glowering at the demon dressed in various shades of red.

"So you'll do it?" Charlie asked brightly flashing the tall cat demon a bright girly smile.

"He'd love to!" Alastor declared before Husk could reply and this made the Princess of Hell squee in delight, bouncing on the spot. She then hopped up onto her palms, leaned over the bar and kissed his cheek before moving back and dropping onto her feet.

"Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you this is perfect!! I'm going to tell Angel right away!" She trilled in a high excitable voice before skipping off and bouncing upstairs in a school-girl like giddy delirium.

"Hey! I never said—" Husk began to call out after her but Alastor suddenly yanked him into a one armed hug.

"Come now Husker, be a team player. There's a good lad.." The Radio Demon patted his cheek in some warped display of false affection.

"I hate you so much right now..." Husk growled.

"Don't worry my friend. I don't intend for you to actually want to get sober.. No, no, no.. I just intend to be entertained watching our dear effeminate fellow try and fail.." The red haired demon with two cow-licks grinned, his eyes narrowing in his own sick twisted delight and with that he began humming as he wandered off casually..

Husk continued to look annoyed as he watched his boss walk away. Oh, what fresh torture was he in for now?

Game On!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ