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Helicopters, different types of tankers, cars and trucks met the eyes of the medical volunteers as they arrived at the army headquarters. Soldiers who are roaming around turned their gazes to the newly arrived.

"We're here." Jessie Li who is sitting next to Lawrence Xiao spoke.

Dexter Zhuo who sat on the other side of Lawrence nudge him.

"What?!" Lawrence hissed. He is still annoyed by Hunter Gu.

"Stop pouting like a kid who doesn't get what he wants. Remember, you're a doctor not a kid. Stop being so childish." Dexter rolled his eyes as he scolded him.

"It's that arrogant Captain's fault."

"Stop blaming him. He is telling the truth anyway. You're clumsy!" Dexter said as they got down from the car with their luggage.

Lawrence eyes widened and about to give Dexter a slap on his head but his hand stop mid-air as he heard the voice from the soldier coming. He lifts his head to see and he saw a soldier who smiles widely as he saw him. If he is not mistaken he is a high ranking official based on the stars on his uniform.

"Doctor Xiao, right?" He said as he approached Lawrence Xiao and offered his hand. "Major Peter Lin."

Lawrence accepted it. "Yes, I'm Doctor Lawrence Xiao."

"How's all your flight Doc?" Maj. Lin asked as he looked at all of them.

"We have a smooth flight Sir only until we arrived at the landing area." Lawrence Xiao didn't restraint himself from showing how annoyed he is.

"Is there anything happen after your arrival?" The army official asked him with furrowed brows.

"I tripped off and your subordinate instead of helping me to get up, he called me clumsy instead." Lawrence complaint like a son complains to his father while throwing a death glare to Hunter Gu who is silently walking with them beside Maj. Lin.

Major Lin then looked at Hunter but no expression from him at all. He knows how he is being cold and impassive at times.

"I'm so sorry about that Doctor Xiao. Anyways, Capt. Gu will send you all to your billet. You'll gonna stay there as long as you're all here for the medical mission."

"Thank you, Major Lin." They said in unison.

"No worries. Later I will send someone to call Doctor Xiao for us to discuss somethings we need to sort out before we send you off to start the medical mission."

They followed Hunter Gu to their temporary shelter. Lawrence then turned his gaze to Hunter whose expression is nothing new. He just ignored him and lead their way to their temporary shelter.

"Thank you, Capt. Gu!" Irene Tay said while showing what she thinks her cuteness side. Hunter Gu just gave her a thin smile. Lawrence still annoyed so he just sat on the bench outside the billet, took his first aid kit and treat his bruised knee.

Hunter Gu then bid goodbye as soon as they are settled.

There are two billets for them, one for ladies and one for men. There are bunk beds inside with a complete set of beddings.

"Where we gonna eat then?" Li Han asked.

"Hey cutie brat, settle yourself first before thinking of foods. Didn't you heard Major Lin said he will discuss everything to Doctor Xiao?" Dexter responds to Li Han.

Li Han pouted and did what Dexter asked him to do.

"Doctor Xiao, can I share with you the same bunk bed?" Li Han asked Lawrence who is busy taking out his clothes and some stuff from his luggage.

𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑪𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒓: 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now