ukai keishin - baby pics

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•fluff | gender neutral•

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fluff | gender neutral

as you rummaged through the closet of your shared room, you found a box that read "baby ukai".

the name sounded so adorable so you grabbed it and started looking through all of the photos in awe.

you were so invested in the pictures, you didn't realize your husband had just gotten home.

"[f/n]?" you heard, making you snap your head up at the noise
"are those my baby pictures?"
"are you sure" he said, knowing good and well those were his
"mhm." you lied all while blushing, making him chuckle at you

he knelt next to you and started viewing the photos as well.

"you were so cute!" you whispered to yourself
"my mom thought i was obese for a good two years." he said making you snicker
"well damn."
"i know right." he replied making you laugh

"i love you, keishin." you said giving him a peck on the cheek and running out the room with one of the photos
"[f/n]! where are you going?!" he shouted
"to show the team!" you said while dashing throughout the house

thank you for reading!

HAIKYUU X READER ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now