[REQUEST] tsukishima kei - asexual

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•fluff | gender neutral | asexual! reader•

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fluff | gender neutral | asexual! reader

1. not involving sexual activity, feelings, or associations; nonsexual.
2. a person who has no sexual feelings or desires, or who is not sexually attracted to someone.

this story is for all of my asexual readers! if anything i say makes you uncomfortable or is incorrect, please let me know and don't be afraid to correct me, i don't want anybody feeling left out/unwanted. you are loved, never change! on with the story.

you called tsukishima over to come out about your sexuality. you guys hadn't done anything sexual except the occasional kiss, and you didn't want to tell him right before y'all- yeah.

you were stuck in your thoughts before the doorbell rang, and you dashed down the stairs before taking a deep breath before opening the door.

"tsukki!" you shouted giving him a hug
"oi, get off of me" he said pushing you off, while blushing
"you love me"
"more or less" he smirked
"fuck off" you said

after a good ten minutes of y'all hanging out, you had gotten the strength to tell him.

"hmm?" he said not looking at you
"i have something to tell you." you said as you played with the hem of your shirt

he snapped his head up at your calm yet sad tone and looked at you with fear

"go on.."
"well, you know how we haven't done anything..like sexual?" you said
"well, there's another reason we haven't."
"i'm asexual." you said, holding back tears
"is that it?" he said with a tone of relief

he cupped your face and the look in your eyes made him soften, even more.

"[f/n], i love you, for you. i will support you with my whole heart and more, and i definitely won't force you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. you're amazing the way you are and your sexuality will never change that. i want you for you, and i'm glad you told me." he said then kissed your forehead

you started crying and jumped into his arms as you cried into his shirt

"i love you, tsukishima."
"i love you too, [l/n]."

"now, let's go get some ice cream, i don't like to see you cry." he said as he grabbed your hand

request for Monkey-Mooo , thank you for reading!

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