sawamura daichi - winning hit

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• fluff | female reader•

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fluff | female reader

you spiked the ball quickly while the crowd cheered and roared. people often saw the karasuno girls volleyball team as weak. which is understandable, but you didn't appreciate it.

  it was a game against a new school who y'all had never seen before. they were good, but not enough. they were constantly bumping into one another, swearing, messing up serves, messing up sets, etc.

  the game was 24 - 16 almost finishing the second set, with karasuno in the lead. even though you didn't have to put 100% effort, you did. being a hitter was tough enough, and getting blocked was your [and asahi's] worst nightmare.

  number 12 on the other team served it, barely making it over the net. michimiya received it with ease and in the blink of an eye, [random name] set it to you quickly, then you leaped up swinging at the ball with full force spiking it onto the ground infront of them.

  the crowd roared with cheers, leaving you proud knowing your team was finally getting the respect it deserved.

  on your way to the locker room you saw daichi with a shirt that read "you play volleyball? let me grab some knee pads, so i can slide into your dms!" he was smiling like an idiot making you giggle and run into his arms.

  "that. was. awesome." he said with a shimmering look in his eyes
"as if you haven't done it before" you said with a smile
"true, i am that good."
"you're an idiot, i'm gonna go get changed!" you say while pecking his cheek.

he watched you skip away as he thought to himself. "i can't wait to marry you".

thank you for reading!

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