"Yeah." I nodded and turned to Elena. Sticking out my arm, I exposed the inside of my wrist and pointed with my index finger. "He said they weren't there to kill me, and he had a mark."

"Like a scar?" She drew her eyebrows together.

I shook my head. "No, a tattoo. Black ink. A wolf head silhouette with a circle and triangle pattern around it."

"Hmm..." she hummed, tapping one finger on her lower lip. Her frown deepened, creasing a line down her forehead. "When we get to the East's packhouse, do you think you could draw it for me?"

"I think so." The tattoo ink was almost identical to the second charm on my necklace, with a wolf head added. My fingers outlined my charm's pattern where it sat at the base of my neck.

"Thanks," Elena whispered. "It's probably nothing but worth it to look into. I suggest we not mention any of that to your father though."

I nodded, rolling my lower lip under and holding it with my teeth.

What's all the interest with this rogue?

"I understand." My chest heaved and collapsed with a sigh.

Lifting my thumb to my mouth, my lower teeth picked at the nail as I searched for a change of subject. "Hey Raina," I looked over at her. "Why did Idris decide to come with us? I'm glad he did but figured he should hate me for, well Lumi trying to kill him."

"His father suggested it." Her shoulders lifted up to her ears. "He had no mate within our pack, and after meeting you, he got encouraged to try and go out to find one. Speed up the Goddess' intentions, I guess."

"What about you?" I whispered. "Do you think you'll find your mate?"

"The only dating game we're supposed to be concerned about is yours, Flower." With one response and a scowl, she was back to angry and irritated Raina. "Don't ask me that again."

"I meant... you're attractive," I offered with a hand wave at her face. "You know, in a 'I'm going to rip your face off and wear it as a mask' kind of way."

Her dark eyes rolled and a scoff passed out her pursed lips. "I'd rather be that than a delicate flower."

Ugh, that's it! No more blind tolerance.

I had to know about this silly nickname.

"Why do you call me that?" Tingles pricking needles into my butt, I shifted in my seat and extended my legs.

After the attempted rogue attack heading north, Cole decided that we pushed through, driving with no stop. Elena, with Aspen's supposed help, packed all anticipated meals. I was surprised he didn't give us buckets to pee in, but allowed bathroom breaks and refilling the gas tanks.

While Cole's motivations for the near confinement in the car were understood, they were more irritating than understandable since I felt quite safe with Raina.

Her explanation broke through my thoughts, "Wild forget-me-nots grow on the farthest cliff behind our packhouse. Their tiny flowers have the same blue color as that stupid dress you wore the first night. It's a similar color to your eyes and you remind me of them, that's all."

My heart swelled with warmth at her reply, her words sounding like a compliment, until she added, "And you're a bit delicate, weak."

Once I wish she could go one conversation without calling me weak, or at least implying I am.

I didn't have to ask or mindlink Elena if she planned that outfit because her gleaming eyes gave her away.

Can only wait and see what she's planned next.

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