Chapter 5

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    "Darkstar! Get off Pureclan territory!" A brownish red tom called

"In your dreams" the Darkclan leader meowed. With a rather calm voice

"..." silence filled the 2 groups of cats

"Psst, Thunderpaw, Bloodpaw" Larkpaw whispered.

"Yeah...?" Bloodpaw whispered back.

"Look at that black and white cat, who is she? She doesn't look like she's from the clans"
Larkpaw pointed with her tail


"Who?" Bloodpaw asked

"It's allricss..."


"Allricss or who ever she is looks like shes planing something." Larkpaw meowed

"Yeah. She's looking at the darkclan cats weirdly..."

"Should be like...tell purestar?"




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