Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV

It was one of those regular mornings i awoke tired remembering how boring of a guild fairytail has became ever since Lisanna died and how quiet it is, I began to grow sad remembering how much fun Fairytail used to be and how excited I used to be every morning to go until i thought that today is the day I will make Fairytail the same as it once was. So i took a quick shower put on my usual clothes but this time I styled my hair a little bit differently and realized it didn't make much of a difference,well who cares i thought. I quickly ate my breakfast and was soon out the door and on my way to the one and only boring Fairytail. Finally this moment it's finally here i thought before opening the long wooden doors that once contained fun and excitement behind them but now only carried a boring and quiet guild.

"Everybody listen up!" I yelled as loud as I could which seemed to grab everybody's attention.

"I awoke this morning not even wanting to come here from how boring of a guild we've become ever since Lisanna died. Do we even consider ourselves a guild anymore?!" I shouted while my eyes were filled with tears.

"Maybe yes Lisanna was someone very important a friend a sister and sometimes someone more." while saying the last part i made sure to glare at Natsu considering how he has been treating me ever since she died since he "loved" her.

"But sometimes you really need to get over it we cant just sit here and sulk forever. We will be Fairytail once again!" i said faking a smile while shouting. Everyone began cheering except for Natsu he just spit on the ground and left the guild while slamming the doors which seemed to get everyones attention. That really hurt me i did'nt know if i should go after him or not. I chose yes to go after him. Once i exited the guild i found him sitting alone all teary eyed i was sure it was about Lisanna.

"Natsu?" I said feeling kind of guilty for what i said back there while glaring at him.

"What is it now Lucy?" He said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"You know what enough is enough you have been treating me like shit ever since Lisanna left and I'm done with it i used to love you and be jealous of Lisanna but now all my love for you is gone." I said while trying to run away on the last sentece but someone grabbed my wrist refusing to let me go.

'Wait Luce you loved me?" He asked confused and still teary eyed.

"Yeah but ever since SHE died I've been treated like shit and now im through with all my love for you." I said while managing to break free and began to run away as fast I could while crying. I ignored all of Natsu's calls when he gave up. After all of this i thought to go to my favorite place that would always calm me down since I was a kid. The park

Natsu's POV 

I felt extremley sorry for Luce. Did I really treat her that badly? All of these questions popped to my mind. I started to feel all the guilt. I really did love Lucy but I had to keep my word to Lisanna to not love anyone other than her no matter what happens but I do love Lucy but I can't what should I do?

Lucy's POV

As I was sitting in the park crying alone watching the swings it seemed to lighten up the mood i dont know why it was ever since a kid that i realized that the park helped me lighten up. I think because thats where I used to go with my mom all the time when I was younger. All these thoughts were disturbed when I heard footsteps coming from behind me I turned to find Sting Eucliffe from Sabertooth.

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