Chapter Fourteen

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So many things hing on the integrity of innocence. The value of a concept of unbroken integrity slanted into the costly outlook of a person or thing still to remains unaffected by the demands of a world to put a cost on all things to resist the persistence of wrath. Nothing, to remain innocent had ever survived without the help of those willing to bare the sin of destroying all things to challenge it, but innocence in it remains are still yet a smoldering remnant of a society that never was.
RoboCop has the objective hard set into the cold wiring of his head to protect those who are innocent from the intrepid nature of those who mean to harm it, but the human part of him still yet questions the nature of innocence born from evil.
The Mutant girl they carry with them as they make thier way towards the exit of the underground system is yet another burden on their already damaged resolve to fight for the future of those who struggle to abide by the cost of innocence, but even so; RoboCop has a duty to uphold and saving those who beg for his help might not make his duty any easier, but it still lets him know that part of him is still something human, and without his humanity, he is nothing but a cold ruthless machine, killing only for the purpose it was built.
The hallways are soon to be filled with a horde of death mongering ravagers who will do little else other than make sure , that who ever this little girl is doesn't leave their watch and control.
RoboCop, and Joe try avoid confrontation as much as possible, hiding in places where they are hard pressed to be seen, and keeping out of direct sight.  They try to remain quite and move between guarded openings. But each time they move closer to the exit, the opportunities to remain hidden become even more slim, as the mutant numbers increase. The increasing numbers mean less opurtunities to remain hidden, and soon the fight will be inevitable.
RoboCop holes off on the moment of confrontation as much as possible, making sure that each step he takes is a well calculated one, but eventually the impassable moment comes in witch RoboCop will have to face the dire situation of breaking through the shadows to find the touch the outside world.
RoboCop, Joe and the young mutant sit in a small cut out of the sewer wall,  a place that had fallen away with enough space in a dark shodow to hide all of them in the passing light and shadows.
A few if the mutant guards still have eyes, as each of the carries around a torch that that allows them to see in the dimly lit bowls of a forgotten price if detroit.
The mutants are tuff to kill, making taking them out as they are distracted a but of a difficult task to manage. RoboCop slinks past them, moving through the flickering shadows and neon paint. As RoboCop tries to rush things however he finds himself stumbling over a small pile of stones that makes a disturbance in the the still silence of the caves.
The mutant that here's this is quick to pull himself away from his occupied state as a tasked wonderer, to seeker as her searches out what it was that had distturbed this detail of the deep dark.
He looks around searching the place RoboCop had set off the small reaction of loose, stone.  Sniffing the air and searching out the dark for any suspicious shapes. It's only at the moment that RoboCop catches him off guard with a quick swing of his armer cutting sword, but as the moment becomes an unexpected tussle as RoboCop's guillotine of an axe drops is almost dodged by the quick reflexed creature. It shrieks as RoboCop gleans a part of it's body away as it tries to step to the side. The screech can be heard echoing through the dark as the mutant falls to the ground in immense pain.  Robcop is quick to end the siren call of mutant turmoil with a quick second sword swing removing the mutants head from it's body, his action are not quick enough, and soon the entire catycombs is filled with the sound of movement rushing towards RoboCop's location.
"We need to move." RoboCop signals, the warning lights that his systems will soon burn out flashing in the corner of his eye.
Robocop, and Joe move quickly fighting towards the entrance with what little they have left. RoboCop using his sword to fend and fight of the mutants that manage to catch up to where they are.
Three of them jump on RoboCop all at once as he puts himself between them and Joe, a conflict that immediately turns drastic as the mutant use some of their strength to peel of some of RoboCop's armor plates.
RoboCop responds with quick reactions and hard punches into shark and deformed teeth, scattering a few of them into the dark, he hard pressed into the thick sinew of mutant hide. RoboCop punches and hits hard enough to draw blood, but the fight is one of unsubtle dynamics as RoboCop dodges the jumping creetons with his on fast reflexes. He grabs another by the face an slams him into the third, but only just in time to take another attack from behind. RoboCop hard steps back pressing this one into a hard brick wall, stunning it for a few moments as the other two recooperrate. RoboCop hard elbow into it's side and then grabs it's arm and releasing it from the grip of his armor plate, still holding onto the hand he then cuts straight through it causing a thick gush of blood the splatter against RoboCop's body.
The mutant seems stunned for a moment as his arm is removed, causing him to panic over the loss of the limb, the other two mutants clamor to their feet as they they stance up for yet another attack, RoboCop egging them on by waving their Conrad's severed hand at them in taunting gesture.
As they rush, Robocop swing his sword upwards catching one in the face with the sharp blade, the other gums and keeps off the wall trying to get around RoboCop's sword swing, but RoboCop puts a swift knee to his chest, flooring him with the immense force. RoboCop then throws this one to the ground, and pins him underneath his heavy foot, to his stomach. He grabs to length of his sword with both hands and comes down with heavy Gillotine force cutting through his ands arms and chest as the mutant tries to stop him from doing so. Only the mutant with the missing arm remains, but he is still stunned over missing limb, and soon to bleed to death, but RoboCop holds no mercy for the Nuke mutant, and puts a swift kick to his head that smashes his skull into red spot against the sewer wall. This causes the body to violently twitch, but RoboCop has no time to speculate the strange reaction of a brain being crushed while the body is attached. 
Joe had moved forward in an effort to find the exit and had found thick iron bars keeping her from making it out of the tunnels.
She sets the Oracle down and is now attempting to bend them open using the strength of her armor.
She manages to bend the bars little. Bye little as they are each about two inches thick of solid steel.
More mutants come rushing through the sewers looking for blood and conflict.
RoboCop fights as many of them off as he can as Joe Bends the bars far apart enough for her to fit through. A grueling task that almost maxes out the strength of her suit as lights flash red.
Robcops fights with the fury that no cop has ever fought before, swinging the edge of his swords so fast and hard that the blade begins to become hot with the friction being cleaved through so many bodies at once. Blood and screaming are the only two things RoboCop can see, as the mutants continue to press and advance.
Joes suit almost fails as she finally makes an opening in the bars. Slipping through and out into the steep ravine. She holds onto the Oracle as she slides down the side. 
RoboCop is quick to follow as he forces himself through the opening jumping out into the distance. As he does he sees the thermal grenade Joe had thrown back up to cover his escape, and with a quick mid air draw of his gun and a single shot, the tunnel opening is soon covered in white hot thermite. RoboCop falls and hits solid concrete, but fighting his failing systems he is able to push himself to his feet out of the small indent he makes in the old concrete riverbed. 
Joe and RoboCop don't hesitate. The move as quickly as possible. making it to the where Robocops car was last located.  However the mutant horde isn't so quick to let the Oracle go.

Toe of mutants rush at top speeds out of the distance, chasing down RoboCop and Joe as the find Robocops modified vehicle locked in the place he left it. RoboCop uses his hand spike interface to unlock the system. Then climbs into the Drivers seat.
"Hold on to something." He says as he pushes up the throttle of the jet engine connected to the car. The engine doesn't start, misfiring in it's fuel intake as the Jerry rigged systems run into a bug.
"Shit", Joe says as realizes they are in for another conflict.
As the regular engine of the car runs, RoboCop kicks it into drive, and puts his foot to the floor kicking up dust, as he drives.
The mutants however are fast, catching up even as the run and jump through the rocks and ruins of Detroit. 
RoboCop does his best to try and keep them off of his tail. He weaves through dusty a road and buildings trying to get the jet engine to kick it's turbine into action. He shoots as he drifts, Firing at mutants who get too close. A few of them manage to latch onto the car, but Joe is able to fend them off with a high powered shotgun  she finds and pulls out of the backseat. It had three barrels in a triangle formation that turn as the gun recocks itself after firing.
The fight and drive in meraculous fashion as more mutants gain on them, but just before the horde overtakes Robocops car, the systems boot on for the jet engine, and RoboCop punches it hard, blasting a few mutants into the distance as the jet engine amps into full power.

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