Chapter Seventeen

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(Robocop is brought back into the waking world he comes to the realization pretty quickly that he is inside his own home base. The hanger in wich most of his equipment is set up for his disposal. His systems run their their usual data and processor checks as he powers on, making sure everything is working as it should and hooked up into the places they should be. As robocop look through the list of usual system checks something comes up that is a noticable concern for robocops systems, in a data Code listed as "Error Unknown."
Robocop has a had a number of system updates take place since he was first placed into this steel body of his. But an unknown error isn't something that he has ever come across. As is body contains a number of processors and sensors that keep everything functioning as they should, an unknown error is something of a freak anomaly that throws off every guess that Robocop might have as to what it might actually be. However Robocop has no time for guess work, he must keep going if he is going to survive what he knows is coming.
As he wakes up he notices an older woman working at one of the tables across the way from where he sits. She is wearing a white lab coat, her hair grey from agas she looks through the same system codes that Robocop can see in his head.
She looks over as she notices he has powered on. And moves quickly to be by robocops side.)
"Alex? You are wake?"shes says in shock and surprise.
"Louse" Robocop says wasting not time to make sure that make sure that his old partner survived. "Where is she?"
"Shes fine, everything is okay. But you shouldn't be powered on yet Murphy. I still have work to do on your processors. You where pretty messed up when you showed up at the door."
"You know me Linda. Im not one for taking vacations."
"Ha." Linda laughs a little as she fight back tears. "You and your jokes. Always screwing around."
"One of us has to Linda. Or else this place would fall apart." Robocop says as he tries to look around.
"How long have I been out?"
"A few days. Too long if you ask me. You systems almost crashed and we nearly lost you for good. Between riving that, Rehab you brought in and the little girl we found in your car things have been quite hectic."
"They made it?"
"Everyone is fine. Apart from a few cuts and bruises and shaken nerves. You are lucky you have so many friends watching out for you."
"I wouldn't call it luck." Robocop replies.
"Yes well, its definitely something."
"How is Louse?"
"Well, im not sure. Some of the part that you brought in where badly damaged. Im surprised most of them where even in one piece. However using some ingenuity I managed to retrograde some of her systems, and get some three D models going of a few of her system boards and actuator units. Im not sure if her part are prefect, but manged to get her main life support processors working and without the need for outside hook ups. I must say Murphy, her systems are very complex, highly advanced. Much more than anything I've seen in some time. I don't even know how you managed to even take her down.."
"She got distracted?" Murphy replies.
"Buy what?" Linda asks.
"Revenge?" Robocop manges to boot up some of his data logs onto the remote screen Linda was looking at earlier. "Her memories are virus encrypted, but after burning through a proxy virus trap, I managed to to get a look into what OCP put into her head."
Linda looks at the screen, watching the altered memory of Robocop gunning down his old partner.
"That's terrible.... They put this in her memories?"
"Along with who knows what else. I don't even know if that's still louise in there or just another Psychopath cut from and OCP cloth. Who knows if that's even her still in their.
"Shit Murphy. OCP has pulled off some pretty dirty things in the past, but this? Altering memories, sending your own partner after you.  It seems like they where trying to hurt you pretty bad?"
"I think that might be an understatement. Trying to catch me off guard is one thing. But this is pretty low even for OCP. They are working on something, something big, upgraded a bunch of their equipment and tach and are getting ready to make a move. I just don't know for what or for why, Or against who.
"Their must be other corporations still out their Murphy. OCP still must have enemy's other than you." Linda says as she still looks at the screen."
"But who.... They had a cloning facility Linda. Body's in vats an people being grown in jars... But i still cant figure as to why."
"Human Cloning? That is a pretty big step. Even for them.
"Then I need to get making steps of my own. I need to find answers before its too late and OCP has gained too much ground. I need find those missing families." Robocop tries to get up but his body refuses to move.
"Your not going anywhere Alex. Not for a while at least. Most of your body was completely wrecked in that last little stunt of yours. Not a single processor of your survived jumping through time with that Boson Excellerator or whatever hell you just put your body through. Right now you are basically just a head and an arm and your main life support system and that's all... However a few of your friends did manage to find an industrial sizes 3D printer, and right now I am having new bodies made for both you and Louise."
"How long until they are finished?"
"Week tops."
"I don't have that time Linda."
"I am sorry Alex. Its the best I can do with what I have."
"Then pull some part out of my pile and put those on. I need to get going now or else it might be too late."
"What you mean these?" Linds says as she points to a bunch of random parts from a number of cyborgs. Things robocop has collected over the years of taking out the robots and cyborg's sent to collect his head. Robocop was wise to keep a number of them for spare parts. Even though every model is vastly different.
"Murphy... If it try to hold together too many systems of operation then your own main system might crash. Its too old to handle too many updates, and I not have the equipment necessary to perform the surgery necessary to retrofit you with a new neral interface. You might fall apart again, or worse."
"Then ill put that on the list."
"You are pushing yourself too fare. You might burn put your own neral network if I-"
"Just do it Linda. We do not have time to argue over this. Fins the pieces we need and put them together. Do what you do best, and ill hold up my end of this."
"Damnit murphy!" Linda says as she fights crying.
"Linda. I know this isn't easy. But things are never going to be easy. Not until we finally put this whole thing to an end. We are so close Linda. We just needs a little more."
"Okay Alex. Just promise me this is it. That whatever you do you finally put OCP to an end."
"I cant make that promise. I cant tell you that I or anyone is sure to survive this. But we will all at least fight until we win or fall."
"Fine. Murphy. If this is what you really want then who am I to stop you. I just need some time and some rest. The last few days have been hell."
"I guess I am lucky I have friends."
"You really are. You know this one hasn't left your side the entire time." Linda says as she points to the oracle asleep on a pile of rags next to where Murphy is places, and hooked up to a life support unit. "You really are good at choosing them Murphy."
"Call it a gift... Get some sleep linda. I will watch over thing for a while."
"Okay Murphy. Okay."
(Linda walks into another room, after placing a gentle kiss on Robocops head.
Robocop looks over at the Oracle is is sound asleep, but with a look on her face that makes it seems as though she is deeply troubles by something. She has an I.V. hooked into her arm, in an effort to give her some sort of nourishment and to ease her pain.
Robocop then looks into the distance as begins a system breach. Logging into a number of security protocols, and other robots who are hidden about he aport grounds. The entire place is soon alive with robots armed and ready to protect this small sanctuary against the storm of the wasteland, as Robocop sits ready for mostly anything.)

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