Chapter Seven

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The Entire OCP facility is begining to come to life with the ringing alarms. Robocop and his un named female companion looking at eachothet in the balring flash of the systems alarms as they try to make the room and corridors as confusing as posdible for anyone who had entered.
Being in the experimental tech lab, Robocop quickly moves over to a security pannel and tries to hack the system in an atrempt to shut off the alarms.
"Wait!" Says his follower, the now Ex OCP officer who stops robocop from spiking into the system. "The alarm system is virus incypted."
Robocop stops just in time. "Do you know how to shut it off?"
"Yes but its going to take some time."
She pulls out her own interface spike from the power suite she is wearing. And plugs into the system usingvthe onboard computer of her suit.
"Shit, they are on their way."
Robocop looks around the room and sees something that catches his interest.
"Dont bother holding the door." He says as walks to pick up a high powerd gatling gun that sits on one of the table. He plugs his hand into it to see if the device has been bugged or encrypted. Checking it carfully for any OCP brand malware, wyrms, or computer viruses that might corrupt his systems. However to Robocops luck, the system is clean. The door begins to open as a group of armored and armed Johny Rehabs show up at the door to open fire on who ever is in the lab.
Robocop loads a chain of bullets into the Gatling gun, and turns around with the barrels already spinning.
The gun screams out a barrage of silenced amunition as it tears apart the armed men with explosively devistation fire power.
Bits and peices of the ones not fast enough to dodge out of the way, paint the halway in a pink mist as everying to be hit by the high energy rounds is so absolutely dessimated by the wrath that Robocop now points in their direction. Robocop not holding back as the thought and images of the burned bodues of innocent people flash inside his mind, along with the image of Lewis, still on life support somewhere in his hangar.
Ten dead mens ovicercerated bodies now sit in the door way as others hide behind walls of cover to avoid the gun fire. 
"Almost done yet" Robocop says as he meets eyes with the woman who witnesed robocop mow down anentire group of violent evil men.
"Mondays." Robocop says straight faced. "Take your time." Robocop says almost delighted as he uses bio heat scanning to to track the othet soldiers through the walls.
More men are ariving and Robocop still has vengence in the name of justice still flashing red in the code of his partially cybernetic brain.
He pulls the trigger of the gatling gun doing a clean sweep of the wall with armor penitrating rounds. Watches as several heads spread open with a sudden signiture of heat, and still scans as their bodys fall to the ground and begin to cool. "No hurries here."
Robocop picks up a large pack of ammo, and straps it into the gun. He can here men panicking and screaming in fear as they lose all resolve against the onslought the know they are now faceing.
"Its him, oh god its him isnt it. Its Robocop." One of them says as Robocop steps out into the hallway.
Men begin to scatter in more ways than one as Robocop lays down a steady fire of high caliber rounds.
Sirens and red lights still flashing as calling cards for the steel demon that now steadily walks a war path of doom and destruction in the name of justice. 
Robocop walks down the hallway piling up bodies. Adding to a kill count that already ranges in tge thousands for OCP officers. But Robocop, knows better, knows that this facility is just one one of hundreds id not thousands of facilities OCP has scatters all over the world, but like any good extrminator would do, he planes to take them all out one at a time if he has to.
Blood and violence paint the halls red by the time the sirens finally shut off. The smell of death, gun powder and fear mixed with newly brown stained uniforms are almost too much for the underground air filters to handle, and the smoke and dust and burning drbrise fill the hallways thick with the resolve of a Cop pyshed passed his lmimts of forgivness in the spirit of the law.
The woman in the powersuite, touches Robocop on the shoulder as he is stopped analiysing the smoky hallways for any threats. 
"Are you Okay?" She says?
Robocop says nothing. He simply walks back into the lab and gathers the parts and materials he needs to fix the damage he did to Lewis. New servos actiuators processers, power supplies. He finds and takes a detailed scan of one of a few weapon schematics. Things he knows he might be able to utalize in his never ending war against crime.
"We need to go." He says walking back out into the hallways.
"No need to tell me twice." His companion says.
"Then maybe you wouldnt mind doing the honors." Robocop says putting a white phospherous grenade in her hands.
She picks up a rifle and a hand gun and fa slew of full magazines from some of the dead bodies.
"That isnt gonna do much damage in these labs, the place is rigged with a high tech anti fire system."
"Then where would you put it."
"So far deep in this places asshole they are never able to get it up and running again."
"Follow me."
Robocop and the woman in the power suite make their way through the halls. However at a certain junction they are met with a large group of Miniture Ed's (ED 210's)
The Eds don't bother counting down. They just simply open fire. Tearing away the corner that Robocop hides himself behind.
"Eds." The woman says. Then grabs the grenade and tosses it down the hallway.
It catches a bunch of Eds on fire who then begin to screetch with the realization of thier powerlessness to put out the flames. Then Robocop and the Woman both, Open fire on the group with relentless carnage brought about by OCPs own high powered experimental weapons.
This group gets torn apart, and so do other that get sent in to put an end to Robocops rampage.
But every time the strategy remains the same as the Eds lack the ability to extinguish flames on their own. (Typical OCP design Flaw.)
Robocop and his partner finally make it to a strange lab, one that sets Robocops mind into overdrive.

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