Chapter Thirteen

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The old sewage system is one if many twists and turns and an ever present darkness the consumes light like so many ravenous mosquitoes.
RoboCop and Joe keep on their toes, as the ever present darkness hides only so many dangers that keep vigilance even in the dark. The smell of rot and corpses often reaches them from distant locations as the enclosed catycombs of canbabilistic mutants is not a place friendly to most senses. 
Mutants are a continues problem, as one would imagine them to be. Their eating and breeding habits are something of an immense problem as almost there very day their numbers seem to grow in vishousness and abundance. A problem that RoboCop has yet to root out, as the night continues to belong to the riving gangs of mutant cultists who do not bother with subtle excuses for their animosity.
As RoboCop and Joe walk to find thier location they are continouesly  detered and redirected by more problems and blockades.  This is something RoboCop didn't forsee, as these conclaves of damage resistant mongrels and screening nightmares, have more than an ability in just killing or piliging homes. They to have learned to build and strategies around defending thier homes.
All the structures RoboCop comes across leads him to believe that their must be some sort of central inteligence to their actions, but with time running out and little opportunities to investigate, the only clue RoboCop comes across is one if him and Kain in the fight to the death they had years ago.
Who ever it is organizing these monsters, must have been their back in the days when RoboCop faced off against one of his most deadly enemies.
With little other than this, and an opening to the surface so close to them, RoboCop decides break down a few barriers in an effort to close the distance, and cut across a length of tunnel that would let him out somewhere near where his car is located.
It's takes both the efforts of RoboCop and Joe to smash through the construct if old boards and stones, but upon doing so they met with a potentially dangerous problem.
On the other side of the wall are a number of more halls, carved out and constructed from the earth into larger catecombs. Its it a breeding ground, a nursery of sleeping female mutants who all seem pre occupied getting rest.
This is the first time RoboCop has ever seen female mutants, as only the men are the ones who come out at night.
Some of the women are with children, others are expecting. But still more are tied down or chained in places not intended for freedom. The most concerning however is a set up of beakers and graduated cylinders set up at the long end of the room where behind it on the wall, is a painting of Kaine as he seems to watch over the batch of what RoboCop assumes is Nuke being processed in the lab.
RoboCop thought he wiped this drug off of the face of the earth years ago, as the death of Kaine was something that saw the drug almost extinct in Detroit. But it seems someone from the nuke cult had survived, and did the blood red concoction of chemicals that RoboCop had fought so hard to remove from Detroit.
Robocop is livid as he set his sights on the lab, and the conditions it's being used for. A number of used needles are scattered about the room, as it seems some of these female mutants are being kept addicted even while pregnant. And army of killers born and bread and kept slaves to who ever it was still keeping the memory of Kaine alive.
"What is this Robo?" Joe says looking at the setup.
"Nuke" RoboCop says as he looks at the lab. "The Blood of the Nuke cult."
"Nuke?" Joe says. "I thought this was, extinct.
"Unfortunately their are some things you just can't kill with bullets." Robocop says trying to think about what he should do about this old problem. "Drugs are one of them."

"They, use this to breed?"

"Seems that way."

"Then we have to destroy this. Burn this place down."

"It might not be that easy." RoboCop says as his experience as a cop gives him better sense than just blowing up labs.


"They are making this. It means one of them somewhere knows how to put together other labs. Blowing up this one is just going to make them more aggressive and drive their cause, that's why they put it next to their women and children."

"They are all chained in place, none if the would be able to escape in time. So we need to thing about this. We Either let loose a number of dangerous mutants, or we just let this go for now."

"We can't just let this go."

"We have to. I don't have the time and neither do you. We save this fight for another day but for now, we move in and we live. No sense dying in vane."

RoboCop turns and walks away. Joe however isn't going to stand for it. "We can just, leave them like this."

"We have to. It's the status quoe."

As RoboCop walks ha can here someone call out to him.
"Please, help."

He turns and looks to where the voice is eminating from. Walking over he is met with sad suffering eyes of a mutant female, bound in place by thick chains. She speaks without moving her mouth.
"Please, help me." She says as RoboCop pulls away the value keeping her hidden away and separated from the rest of the room.

This mutant is strange, different from the others. She had three eyes, on in the deter of her forehead. Above her is painted the word Oracle. She is a youngster, a girl of only 13 years old.

RoboCop is scheptical not sure what it is that they have just stumbled across. But obviously it is someone who has even the nuke mutants on edge.

"They will be back soon, please. I can feel them."

"Who are you?" RoboCop asks.

"I don't know. " She says as images flash through RoboCop's mind. Memories of her birth and the immediate imprisonment that came with it. Memories of RoboCop's family.

Joe comes into the room "RoboCop what is it? What's wrong?"

"Stay back" RoboCop says as he pulls his gun, pointing it at the little girls head.
All three of her eyes cry as she waits for the sweet release of death to unfold her missery into the darkness of the cave she was born in. However something inside RoboCop doesn't settle right, as killing a an innocent mutant doesn't coincide with his objectives. He thinks for a moment, long hard thoughts of tourment as he tries to decide the right thing to do. End her missery, or take her to freedom.

"We are taking this one with us." RoboCop then says as he puts his gun away. He takes out his sword and he cuts her chains with a single stroke. 
"Can you stand" He says looking at her. 

She shakes her head to signal no.

Robocop then turns around and pulls down the vale he wraps it around her and picks her up. 
"It will be okay." He says as he hands her over to Joe. "We are getting out of here now, follow me." As they start moving RoboCop can here screams begin to fill the hallways, howls of the main mutant forces returning from a night of stocking.

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