Twenty two AU

893 6 5

Hey that rhymes

Okay um so a few things,
One, would it be okay for me to start an announcement book? Like just so I can ask y'all questions without bugging the other people who read this story?

Two, I need help deciding a book title
I have three now

The Lost Intrinsic
The Intrinsic

okay I lied I had others but that's the only two I think are decent

Uh three
I need a villain name, I started writing the first chapter, got to around the second paragraph, and then got stuck with a villain name.

Um would it help to have some backstory of the character and details?

If so here,
Snake-like eyes
Long hair (like down to his upper back but under the shoulders)
A dark shade of hair
Favorite animal is owl

And for his kinda personality???
I don't want to give away too much but here's what I put in the paragraph(s) {I had a splurge and wanted to continue so I did lmao}

_____ was the appointed leader of this rebellion and he made sure everything went in their favour even if it meant killing off certain individuals who didn't do exactly what he had commanded.

He had been planning this attack for weeks, months even. And it was finally ready, he would finally rule the kingdom that his rebellion believed was rightfully his.

When night struck on July twenty seventh the rebellion -the ones who happened to be nearby- gathered around their leader and waited.

"My fellow ———'s (I don't want to give it away) the time has come,"

A tan-skinned man made his way to the leader quietly and stood beside him faithfully.

"My lord, the outer forces have arrived at their destination."

"Brilliant Abhi, now then, let us go and create a moment that shall go down as the greatest day in history. Let us begin and attack!"

His words brought ambition and power to those who heard them, and with that the rebellion commenced.

It truly was a day to go down in history.

Once again ; A miraculous ladybug breakdance AU | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now