Thirteen Late 2k special

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Marinette's POV

I heard news of Hawkmoth looking for someone from Tikki but I wasn't sure, she had said Hawkmoth was looking for someone he claimed was his daughter. He also claimed Ladybug had something to do with her kidnapping but I didn't do anything!

Whatever, I was currently wandering around the red half of the mansion, it was quite big and has everything I could ask for including wifi, a Nintendo switch, a breakdance gym, a pool, and more! But I did feel a little bored, Aven was with Tikki training and I couldn't go see Plagg of Chat Noir because neither know I know that they're here. How bad is that??

It seems like only yesterday that Issac pushed me off of the stage as Chat Blanc, I'm still a bit mad about that but I can't help but ship him with Aven, they're perfect together! When we were younger they were inseparable. But now, they can't see each other again. How sad, right?

I walked to the huge double doors that separated the ladybug half from the Chat Noir half, I desperately wanted to go over there and see who Chat Noir is but I had a promise that I needed to keep.

I learned on the door and slid down it, as I did this there was a thump sound on the other side, then I heard a soft voice...

"Damnit, I'll never get this right."

"Cheer up kid, you'll get it soon."

"But what if I don't Plagg?? Then ladybug will get hurt and I won't be able to do anything about it."

Chat Noir and Plagg? Damn sounds like Chat Noir is beating himself up about something. I then heard Plagg's voice, but I had to strain to hear it and some parts were to quiet to hear.

"Listen Ad––, you're going to do fine. Ladybug will be okay."

Damn what were they talking about?

"Plagg, I have to protect her, who knows what will happen if I don't? Hawkmoth will hurt and and - —— —-, I cant risk ——— her!"

"I know kid, hang in there, for now just go rest. We'll continue tomorrow, Chat Blanc shouldn't be coming for another 2 months."

"Alright, thanks Plagg."

I heard footsteps walk away from the room and I heard someone sigh.

"That kid's going to hurt himself."

I opened the door and marched up to Plagg,

"I want answers mister."

He spun around and looked at me in surprise,

"Marinette? Why are you here?"

"Duh, Tikki brought me to train."

"I didn't mean that, why are you on this half??"

"Because I want to be Plagg! Now give me answers or I'll go see who Chat Noir is!"

His eyes widens and he shook his head,

"Don't do that! Look, I'll answer your questions as long as you don't go see who Chat Noir is, deal?"



Heyo amazinnggggg people! I just wanted to thank everyone for getting me to 2k views! That's awesome! I'm sorry I haven't updated on ANY of my books for awhile but I just started high school and I'm in 4 bands plus basketball and some other activities so I'm gonna be a bit busy for awhile stilllllll.... But this time I'll keep my promise! I'm going to try to update WHEN I CAN but I'm going to leave the title as is so none of ya get your hopes up, that's it! Sorry for the short chapter but thank you for 2k reads!!!

(Also I realized I skipped chapter 10 LOL)

Once again ; A miraculous ladybug breakdance AU | Part 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon