Moments later am in black jeans, light blue shirt with white converses, ready to walk out of this room, that is when the door opens forcefully and I hear a growl coming from Maxine.

" Who the hell are you?" She growls at them showing her fangs and crawls.

They step back being defensive of themselves, so I get between them and Maxine.

" Calm down Maxine, this is Robin and Kyle from Silver Moon pack". I tell her which she calms a little but still looking at them harshly.

" I am Maxine", She says without showing that she is friendly.

" Hello", They both greet her still unsure of her next move.

" You scared the shit out of them", I tell her looking at their horrified faces.

" I am sorry I didn't mean to, its just I smelled unfamiliar scent in this room so I went all protective mood for my bestie". Maxine says in the most relaxing ways making them relax.

" Damn girl", Kyle says. " I am Kyle".

" Robin", He just points to himself.

After a moment of silence, " I don't get you out of bed for the whole month and they just come in and you are out of bed looking like you are going somewhere". Maxine pouts.

" It looks like we are better than you", Kyle tells her which she growls at him.

I just smile at them, " I know and am sorry. But I have missed you". I tell her as I pull her in for a hug.

" I missed you too, I thought I have lost you forever", She sobs which I just pat her back until she was calm again.

After a few moments of conversing, we decide to go out of the packhouse. Reaching at the front entrance everyone who is around stopped doing what they were doing and stared at me. I know I haven't seen anyone after the funeral and also I look horrifying miserable.

Without saying a single word we walk out. Reaching outside I see few warriors signing their names for those who will be going to Silver moon pack. They are going to start all over and become new members of another pack and start afresh leaving all of their regrets behind good for them, that is when an idea pops in my head.

" Can I come and stay in your pack?" I ask Robin and Kyle, which they just stare at me.

" You want to leave?" Maxine asks.

" Yes I do, I want to stay somewhere new, where no one will feel pity towards me, or every time I look around I am hoping for Myron to show up while he is no longer here. I want to start over". I tell them.

" What about your parents and uncles?" Kyle asks.

" I will tell them, I know they won't take the news lightly but it is something I want to do and they can't deny me that".

" What about me?" Maxine asks sadly.

" You could come with us", Robin states.

" Has much as I would love to, my dads won't even think twice to lock me up", She smiles sadly. " Promise you will come to visit".

" I promise", I hug her.

After a short walk here and there we decided to go to Uncle Dylan and Trevor's house cause everyone is there and it is lunchtime, I could use something to eat cause I am starving and I haven't eaten for a very long time I hope I don't throw up this time. Also, I will tell them about the news that I want to leave, I hope they will understand.



Today is when I am leaving for Silver Moon pack with Freya, Nora, Kyle, and Robin, Sadly Maxine is not coming with us just like she said about her parents they didn't even consider twice until they said No in capital letters. But I promised to call her every single day cause she is my best friend and I love her so much.

Uncle Trevor provided us with four of his best warriors to take us to Silver Moon and they will be back by tomorrow.

It wasn't easy to convince dad that I want to leave, after all, I am just eleven years old but thankfully Papa understood cause he once did experience what am going through and he helped me to make Dad understand, but with plenty of tears all around.

After we said our goodbyes we all get inside the cars and drive off.

* Stay safe and I love you* Uncle Trev mind links me.

* I love you too Uncle Trev* I say smiling at myself before the mindlink drifted due to distance.

Six Hours Later and we are in Silver Moon Pack, in front of the packhouse. Getting out of the car I stand looking at the packhouse.

This is home.

My new beginning.

Let the journey begin.



This is Chapter 42 of My Human just in Tyler's P.O.V so you would know what he was going through and how he came with the idea of leaving his pack.

Also, It is a prologue for this book.

Stay tuned for the first chapter.

Until next time.

Thanks for reading.

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Stay safe.

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