Harry smiled, "It's time. I'm teaching him how to ride."

"Ride?" she echoed. "Not with that monster stallion of yours, Harold?" her stern voice earned her twin sheepish looks.


"No, Harold. I will not have my son be killed by that crazy horse," Esme put her foot down. "Have him ride Apple. She's a good-natured mare."

"What? Mom!" Evan whined. "Tabitha got to learn on Shadow! Why can't I?"

"Because you're pathetic compared to me," a new voice said; Tabby walked up behind her little brother. Glancing over his shoulder, she looked at the petticoat in her mother's hands. "Did you finish stitching it up yet, Mom?"

"I'm not pathetic!" Evan complained. He went ignored.

"Not yet, dear. You really did a number on it," Esme raised the piece of clothing in the air and spread it. She had fixed seven of the total fifteen tears. With a sigh, she shook her head. "Please be gentler in the future."

"No promises," Tabby's lips sported a wicked grin. "After all, who's going to exercise Dad's horse when he's at the capital? Since, you know, Evan clearly can't."

"Who said you weren't coming to the capital with me?" Harry directed the question to his daughter.

Tabby, looking slightly taken aback, replied, "What do you mean? Why would I accompany you to the capital?"

Esme heaved a lengthy sigh. "Because of the ball King Elrich is holding? The whole reason I'm repairing all your clothes in the first place, you stupid girl."

Tabby frowned. "Trying to marry me off again?"

Harry put a hand on his daughter's shoulder, smiling, "We'll find you a suitable husband. Promise."

Tabby looked to her father before she rolled her eyes and shrugged off his hand. "Whatever. I'm going back to the barn. I'll saddle Apple."

"No," Evan huffed. "Saddle Shadow. He's the one I'm riding."

Harry's eyes met his wife's. Esme gave him a very clear no, he will not be riding that beast look. Chuckling, Harry ruffled his son's hair and cut him a deal.

"How about you learn on Apple today and next week, if you're good enough, I'll let you try Shadow?"

Evan's shoulder sagged in disappointment, unwilling to speak against his father. "Fine," the fourteen-year-old grumbled.

"Alright," Harry clapped his hands and began heading back out of the cottage.

Evan started after him before stopping in the doorway. His bright blue eyes found the little toddler form of chubby Avery. The two-year-old was standing next to him, eerily quiet.

"Hey, you don't think your big brother is pathetic, do you?" he whispered to the child, cupping a hand over his mouth.

Esme watched the interaction from the corner of her eye. Parenting a lycanthrope child was new territory for her. She worried about him most. Lycans who had typically grown up raised by humans were rather... Well, unfriendly. Vicious and violent; rogues.

Yet, little Avery just shook his head. "No." Perfectly well-behaved.

Evan snorted a laugh and ruffled his brother's hair. "Thanks!"

With that, Esme's oldest son swept out of the cottage — "Shut the door behind you!" and shut the door behind himself.

Keeping an eye on her youngest, Esme quietly continued her stitching.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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