You Can Smell What Now?

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Hey Everyone, here's a good chapter, don't read anything else today!

So, I don't think anyone has started reading this series yet. In my story statistics or whatever, there's like one read, and I think that was accidentally me. No worries though, I just want to get this out there, no matter if anyone reads it or not.

A couple things; 1) I'm writing this story as I go, trying to clear some RAM in my head. (Sorry, I've been reading Cinder and Scarlet by Marissa Meyer all day) so the plot's just going to kind of do whatever I want it to. I've got some major plot points planned out, but not in very much detail, and I have no idea how I'm going to get there. I guess the point is, join me on my journey, and we'll discover together what's going to happen! 2) I have no idea when I will and will not be able to keep writing, so to my non-existent readers, be prepared for some long gaps between chapters and short gaps between others. 3) Where I'm Going with The Plot: Well, the end of this chapter is supposed to be a little bit of a cliffhanger (don't worry, I won't spoil it). The next few chapters will be giving background on Matt, and Alek's strange role within the community of Bricking. (Yes, the name of the town will become symbolic eventually, but give me a little while to think of something, sheesh!) so be prepared for me to ramble on for 3 chapters or so and then suddenly jump back into the plot at the end of this chapter. Think of it as a backflash! (That's the word for it, right?)

Nyway, stay lovely my readers!



Chapter Two

Alek's POV

Talk was slowly resuming in the now tense cafeteria, as everyone got over the shock of what this new girl just said. And I don't even know her name!

"What are you doing?" I shot at her.

Okay, so it wasn't the best opening line. But hey, for someone with my social history, can you blame me?

"Being friendly," she replied casually, as if making friends with social outcasts was a regular thing for her. (I was soon to find out Yes, that actually is just what she does).

"Everyone needs friends, especially me! I saw you over here by yourself, and I decided you would be a great candidate!" Her voice became softer. "And also, I could tell you needed a friend too."

She started whipping food out of her lunch sack and arranging it neatly on the table in front of her. "One of the greatest life lessons my dad has ever taught me is do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I make friends with people, and hope I gain friends in return." She smirked again, and that playful, mischievous quality crept back into her voice.

"Besides that, I could smell you were gay, so I knew I wouldn't have to worry about awkward flirting attempts from you."

I choked on the milk I had been drinking while listening to her talk.

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