Chapter 23: Guilt and Apologies

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A/N: *Pokes head out* Hi guys. I'm alive? Sorry I've been gone for a bit—My muse moved over to Viridian (another bnha fic). And now that Writer's block is rearing its ugly head, I've created this filler chapter. I'M SORRY! *hides again*

I really feel bad about not updating Swan Dive for a long time, and then coming back with this short-assed 2.8k words. I'm ashamed.

That being said, I'd like to remind you of several things. 1, I am not pairing Izuku romantically with ANYONE. Not Bakugo, not Shinsou, not Uraraka. It's not my style. This fic concentrates more on family and the like.
2, I am not bringing Inko back as a zombie. I'm sorry, I'm just not. She's dead, and I'm not going to torture Izuku badly enough to turn her into a Nomu. Besides, only the skeleton was left, and why would AfO turn his own daughter into a Nomu? (but you'd better believe when he realizes who did it...)

The fanart you guys have sent me is INCREDIBLE! I'm probably going to miss quite a few pieces, because I'm a scatterbrain who can't keep shit organized to save my life, so please let me know if I've forgotten your piece.
That being said, I'm probably repeating them, too. *Shrugs*

Remember, if you'd like to send me fanart or really anything of the sort, please e-mail me at

Someone also made an animatic based on Viridian, my other bnha story, and I just!! I cried in joy!! It's beautiful! So even though this isn't Viridian, I'd like to link that video and give the amazing creator a shoutout!! Kali Ilusak, you're awesome!

Viridian Animatic: (And for those of you for whom the link won't work, please just go to youtube and search Viridian animatic, it's to the song Cups)

Thank you Mirro!!
Trashyotakuthing, you rock!:
MistakeChan drew Izuku with Yuki!
Vereen drew Zuku in his hero outfit!
My friend MoldiMochi sent this before we became friends. Haha.
Giovanni, you rock! And your headphones in the corner totally look like Shouta's Capture Weapon!
Kaelan's at it again, with their amazing art!
Forcarotten, this is incredible!
Another-weird-witch, you CAN draw cats. :)
Ava, this is so cute~!
C12, I love this!! Especially the book Izuku has on his dad, there. ;)
Bella drew this~!
From one of my best friends, AnonymousPsudeonym!! You've improved so much!!
And I totally caught this on the bnha group chat I've got going (join us on Telegram!! Just PM me) Thanks Emma~~ It's technically Shouta as a cat, but he looks a lot like Yuki, too, and I just couldn't NOT use this!
EmmaSmoke drew Izuku and Kacchan in their halloween costumes~!


Toshinori couldn't sleep. Every time he closed his eyes he was haunted by the green-haired child he'd just about killed. He'd failed numerous times as a hero. Despite what everyone seemed to believe, he was human, too. He failed, sometimes. He couldn't save everyone.

But he'd never—to his own knowledge—pushed someone to something like this... especially a child.

It made his gut clench and twist in guilt and shame, and he had half a mind to quit teaching right there. How in the world could he face Aizawa or Yamada, now? When he'd nearly murdered their son. Even after his apology, he still felt an overwhelming sense of shame and guilt wash over him whenever he looked at them.

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