Chapter 3: Training

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Hello everyone! Yes, a DOUBLE UPDATE!! Whoooooo!! Chapter 2 is dedicated to Summer's Birthday, but Chapter 3 is dedicated to...

Aizawa Shouta's Birthday! Happy Birthday Eraserhead-sensei! Keep being the most amazing U.A. Teacher!

With that out of the way, please enjoy this short chapter.

Chapter 3: Training

Izuku went through the next school day with a nervous energy. The end of the day couldn't come fast enough, and he found it difficult to pay attention in class. Even Kacchan's usual taunts and bullying couldn't shake the warm fuzzy feeling that had settled in his chest and the sheer excitement that vibrated his body like a sugar high.

Sure, he walked away from school with a few more burns and bruises that day, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. The moment the bell rang, his already packed backpack was over his shoulder and he was out the door.

He distantly heard Kacchan growl at him to come back, but Izuku didn't even register it. He knew he'd pay for it tomorrow, but for now he rushed off to where the little golden paper of joy told him to go.

When he'd awoken that morning, he was sure it had been some kind of dream. He was depressed and anxious until he stuffed his hand into his pocket as he got dressed, and felt that paper that Eraserhead had handed to him with the coordinates of a location. (And he couldn't help but notice that Eraserhead handed him coordinates rather than an address. Izuku knew it wasn't a common skill among civilians to be able to read them, and counted himself lucky for taking the time to learn how to do so. Maybe this was some kind of test?)

He came upon an old abandoned warehouse, five minutes early. "I-is this right?" He double-checked the paper. Maybe that four was a nine after all?

"Good. You're on time." The voice made him jump and spin around, but the hero didn't seem to react as he gestured for Izuku to follow him inside. "So you can read coordinates." Izuku swore he looked impressed, but immediately banished the thought.

"H-hai! I thought it would be a useful skill, so I learned it years ago." Eraserhead raised an eyebrow before he spoke.

"My name is Aizawa Shouta. From this point on, I want you to call me Aizawa-sensei. Since we'll mostly be in a civilian setting, I don't want you to go around yelling my hero name." Aizawa stated with a yawn. He held a cup of to-go coffee and looked absolutely exhausted.

Maybe that's just how he always looks? "Hai! Aizawa-sensei!" Izuku grinned, ecstatic that his personal #1 hero trusted him with his civilian name.

"Good. We'll start with a basic physical assessment to see where you're at and what I've got to work with." He pulled out a clipboard from his shoulder bag and clicked his pen.

Izuku nodded, determined to prove himself somehow to his teacher.


Shouta was impressed. No, the kid's results were nothing out of the ordinary, but his determination and thirst to prove himself were unreal. He could definitely work with that.

Usually, when teaching his first year classes at U.A., he'll pull out this very test and let them use their Quirks. He'll then light a fire under them by threatening expulsion, which the smart ones always take seriously.

What he's looking for isn't necessarily physical results off the bat. Though he'd still write them down, it'd be illogical for him to expect such things from kids who'd never had the opportunity to let loose with their Quirks before.

No... what Shouta always looked for was that tiny seed of ingenuity and that well of determination. That drive to do whatever it takes to survive when your back is up against the wall.

And Midoriya had that in spades. Though his physical results were nothing out of the ordinary, he purposefully hadn't threatened expulsion or anything of the sort. Even so, his newest student seemed to take everything much more seriously than his first years did. He found himself grinning.

This kid doesn't need a Quirk. Perhaps his lack of one has driven him to do more and try harder than anyone else.

"S-Sir?" Midoriya was looking at him with a small amount of fear. Right. His smiles were scary.

"Yes, Midoriya?" He returned to his default 'I'm exhausted give me my fucking coffee' expression before taking a sip of his coffee—which he now realized was gone.

"U-um... n-never mind."

"Your results are average, but like I said. You've got potential. We'll work on getting you into shape and getting that stamina up. After we've trained up your body a bit, I'll start teaching you how to fight." He put his clipboard away after making a couple more notes. Tonight, he'd make a training regimen for the kid. But for now...

He fought off the twitch of his lips.


Izuku collapsed into bed. His first training session with Aizawa-sensei was nerve wracking. The man had also insisted on escorting Izuku home, not taking the chance of something happening since their training didn't end until after dark.

Izuku felt a warm fuzzy feeling at that. He wasn't used to anyone other than his mother worrying about his wellbeing, so the fact that his personal favorite hero was concerned made him feel special.

Of course, his mother was quick to set Aizawa-sensei down with a cup of coffee and insist the man stay for dinner. He chuckled at the memory of his sensei's bewildered face as his mother fussed over how he needed to eat more. In short, the first day was a success, and Izuku was sore but excited for the second day of training.

Day 2 of training introduced Izuku to his workout routine, which Aizawa-sensei told Izuku to follow without deviation in every aspect of his life. He made sure to let Izuku know that if he added more work, or skived off (as if he'd actually do that!) that he'd stop training him. While he was disappointed that he couldn't add more, he trusted that his sensei knew what he was doing.

It wasn't until the end of their first week, that he realized that Aizawa-sensei was becoming increasingly suspicious of his bruises and burns. He didn't point them out or ask about it, but he eyed them a little too long for Izuku's comfort.

"Midoriya." Aizawa-sensei started as they packed up to head back to his house. It'd become a routine for his mother to fix them both a meal after their training.


"Here. It'll help with the burns." He handed him a small tub of cream, and Izuku stared dumbfounded. "If things continue or get worse, let me know. Believe it or not, I can help, but you need to reach out, first."

Izuku stared at him. "I... Thank you." He smiled softly. "I'm not used to people... caring."

"Well, you'd better get used to it, kid." Aizawa-sensei's eyes softened, and Izuku found that he was slowly starting to learn how to read his mentor. He grinned as Aizawa ruffled his hair. It was almost absentmindedly, like he hadn't even thought about it, but it made Izuku's heart feel like it was going to burst with joy.

Is this what a father is like? He shook the thought from his head. Nononono! He's your teacher not your dad!

Still, the smile didn't leave his lips throughout the entire night.

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