Chapter 20

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Simon started to walk away from me without giving me any explanation. I wasn't sure what was going on but I suspected that it had something to do with Jace so I went to his apartment to clear things up.

- Are you finally going to explain to me why you are moving away from me if I didn't do anything wrong to you? It is not even worth saying that you are not, because this one doesn't catch me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Simon, sitting on his couch and I went to sit beside him.

- You do know, from one moment to the next you started to move away from me and, as far as I know, I didn't do anything to make it happen. So now you're going to explain to me what's going on in that head.

- Nothing, Clary, it must be just your impression.

- I know it's because of Jace, now what I don't know is what he did or told you to be like this.

- He did me no harm and I am no longer distant ... It's just your impression.

- Simon, do you really think I believe that? Please, I'm your best friend since kindergarten, don't try to fool me.

- Okay, all right, I admit that maybe I've been a bit away lately but it wasn't anything you or Jace did. I don't know what I feel anymore ...

- Explain to me what's going on, maybe I can help you understand.

- I entered this world because of you, because I didn't want to leave you here alone. At first it was all very strange, so when I became what I am today, it was even more ... Then it happened at Seelie Court and I was very sad and vulnerable but Jace helped me to overcome it. This made us closer and our friendship makes me very happy.

- So what's the problem?

- The problem is that I don't know if it's still just a friendship. I know that you like him and that the only reason you are not together is because of the lie Valentine told you but now nothing prevents you from doing so.

- Simon, why didn't you tell me you liked Jace?

- I couldn't get between you two. Your friendship is the most important to me and I don't want to lose it.

- Simon, I am your best friend, so listen carefully to what I say. Me and Jace are just friends. I'm not going to lie to you and say that I don't feel anything for him, because I'm not like that but I also know that I shouldn't ignore someone's feelings and Jace doesn't love me anymore.

- How do you know that?

- I watch people, Simon ... So I know you like him as much or more than he likes you. We all know that, only the two of you are too stupid to admit it.

- It's not true, we are just good friends ....

- Simon, in those days you were with Heidi and no one knew about you, he was in awe. Okay, we were all worried about you, but he didn't rest until he found you .... Simon, what Jace felt was not the concern of friends, it was something else.

- It was? Do you really think he likes me that much?

- I have no doubt about it ... Simon, tell him the truth, you are worrying too much and you are just making him suffer without being necessary.

- I can't, I won't risk losing your friendship.

I have to talk to Jace urgently. If Simon doesn't take over, Jace will have to take the initiative. I went to the institute and luckily he was still there. I dragged him to his room and closed the door so no one would overhear our conversation.

- Are you crazy? Why did you bring me here?

- You have to assume to Simon that you like him ...

- Me? Assume?

- Hear me out that I won't say it again ... He likes you but for some reason he thinks you don't feel the same way. So you immediately go home and you will talk to him and be happy forever with two or three children and a hamster.

- But ...

"But nothing, get going!" I shouted and off he went to his house.

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