Chapter 5: The Piston Pit

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OH MY GOD! FINALLY! I was able to finish this chapter after 1 or 2 months of not posting anything. So the only reason I haven't posted this chapter early is because I was having trouble in getting my grade all together. I actually thought that was gonna fail my classes, and if my dad saw my bad grades, he would take my laptop and my phone from me for who knows how long!

But then, a miracle happened and I got better grades on my classes and now I'm saved. So, to make it up to you guys, after I post this chapter. I will start working on chapter 6, just so that you guys shouldn't wait for another month to read the next chapter.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! I actually tried my best, I've been a little rusty lately.



As the day turned into night, they decided to make a stop at a gas station. Once Rainbow parked the truck infront of the market, she got out but not before walking over to the open car window.

"Alright, I'm going to check in with Flash, see if he knows what's going on," Rainbow said as she puts on her cap to hide her identity.

"You're gonna see Flash in that glass thing?" Sonic said, looking at the phone booth in the distance. "What is it, a teleportation box?"

"It's a payphone... It's mostly for drug dealers and fugitives from the law, which is us." Rainbow explained. "Stay in the car, I don't want anyone seeing you."

"Ugh... fine" Sonic groaned in disappointment before crossing his arms and hopping over to the driver's seat.

Rainbow walks away from the car and towards the phone booth.

Meanwhile with Sonic, he starts getting bored and starts to pretend that he's a race car driver. Until he hears a loud roaring sound of a car engine. He looks to his left and sees a bar called the Piston Pit. He gasps in amazement and quickly hides in the car.

"Okay okay, that is the coolest place on earth but we have to stay in the car." Sonic said to himself.

He took a little peek out to see the craziness happening: Motorcycles firing up their engines, Bikers greeting each other by headbutting, and bikers having an arm-wrestling match. Sonic starts breathing frantically while his breath fogs up the window and quickly wipes it as he observes.

After seeing a monster truck road up, Sonic starts rock back and forth from his chair.

"Be strong! Be strong!" Sonic said, trying to calm himself down.

When Sonic saw someone doing a motorcycle trick, that became his breaking point. He just gotta get in there.

Sonic looks around for any type of disguise and sees Rainbow's sunglasses while a smirk comes out of his lips as he gets an idea on how to get in.


As Rainbow heads towards the payphone booth, she opens the door and closes it behind her. She inserts a quarter and starts dialing Flash's number. After she got that settled, she waited for Flash to pick up.

"Hello? Ponyville Police Department?" said Flash on the other line.

"Flash, it's me." Rainbow said

"Hi, I'm so glad that you called. Uh... H-how's it going..." Flash said nervously.

"Hey dude, are you alright? You sound kind of nervous there, what happened?"

"Uh, some --some guys came in, asking me some questions. Uh... it was a little creepy," Flash hesitantly said before chuckling nervously. "It kind of reminded me of, uh, the guys from Men in Black, but not as, um, likable or, uh, charming as Will Smith."

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