Chapter 17

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Arlo's phone buzzed, while he sat on his couch.

Lia Blue is in Branish

He glanced at the notification, and his brows furrowed.

Why was she in a district... two hours away, even by train?


What are you doing right now?

Tiny Blue Coffee

That was suspicious. Why be out so far, and be doing homework?

He tried to call her, and she picked up after a moment's hesitation.


"How are you?" Arlo asked cautiously, hearing Remi's crackles in the background, meaning she was using her ability.

Something crashed on her side.

"I'm fi-" She hung up. He stared at his phone, suspicious.


Liana accidentally broke a big hole into her house.

When Arlo called, Isen talked to her and she panicked, so she hung up on Arlo.

But, her accident was beneficial! It had a good side to it! She took out one of the goons outside the house. Though Remi and Blyke were confused on what the hell just happened.

She also scared the lady because she was supposed to be mid-tier, and basically shot a bullet that made the bricks of her house turn to dust.

".... Sorry," Liana mumbled. "I freaked out."

The woman only sweated, falling nervous. "No, it's okay," she said, not wanting to get herself in trouble with her.

Mid-tier, she said. With power like that? No.. she couldn't be.

Liana and the woman walked out, where Remi was already done and holding some guy with a yellow hair buzzcut, who she was questioning.

"Where's Waldo?"


Arlo was on a train to Branish, and he could confidently say, these trains could not be fast enough.

Dammit! Why the hell was she out so far at this time?

What are you doing

Not now

Remi wasn't responding either.

I heard Remi in the background

It's homework

And this question requires my brain cells

Ssooo Stoapoopp

He'd believe her if Remi wasn't in the background, continuously asking someone where Waldo was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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