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-Time Skip 5 years-

(After Nako left, I went into a deep depression and went back to the way I was as a child. I was a loner... I made no new friends in Los Angeles. I dropped out of all sports and stopped pursuing singing. In fact, although I maintained my intelligence, I stopped doing homework, and barely passed my classes. Because of this, all of the scholarship offers I had accrued, all were taken from me. Which was fine, I probably would not have gone anyways. I never heard from Mina or Nako again, as when I destroyed my phone, I got a replacement phone with a new number, and lost all of my contacts in my old phone... Anyways, the day I turned 18 I joined the army... My mom was crushed, but it is what I wanted to do. By this time, she had slowly recovered and was not so dependent on me. During basic training, I excelled so much that I was pushed into Ranger training, and because I passed that school easily, I was then pushed to become Special Forces. I spent the next three years consistently deploying and completing operations. I will not go into detail on the things I was asked to do, as some were not pleasant. This only further pushed me into a deeper feeling of numbness. Dark right? That is how I would explain this new life... Dark. However, even through all of this, not one night passed where I did not think of Sana and her smile. This was the only thing that got me through those lonely nights in the many locations I found myself in... Now five years later, my commitment to the army is coming to an end. I was just notified where I will be ending my last month in the army... Korea. Oh man...)

(My plane has just landed, and I grab my overhead luggage and begin to step out of my plane. I currently have my army uniform on, so I get the occasional stare as I am walking through the small airport. As I have aged and spent time in the military my build has changed a bit and I have added some muscle, so I do not exactly blend in here. Anyways, I grab my checked luggage and begin to walk towards the exit when I see a sign advertising for some sort of event. I stop a second to further inspect the sign. It says that a few Kpop bands will be present. I honestly stopped listening to Kpop once I left Japan as it was extremely difficult as it reminded me of all my friends who left to pursue the career of an idol.)

Your Thoughts: "Well, if I am going to live here for a bit, I might as well enjoy myself. It has been a long time since I actually had some time to myself."

(I took my phone out and put the time and place in my calendar. The event is tomorrow night, and I am off work, so it works with my upcoming schedule. As I step outside, I see another soldier in uniform standing by a car and he smiles in my direction. I walk over to him and he immediately goes to parade rest, and I wave it off.)

You: "Don't do that. I'm almost out, and I just want to be done with all of that nonsense. What is your name man?"

(I put my hand out for him to shake, and he looks at me with a shocked expression. He slowly reaches out and shakes my hand.)

Private Simmons: "Uh, Private Simmons, Sergeant."

You: "Just call me Y/n. While I am here and ETSing, I assume you will be my driver and show me around? If so, I refuse to be calling you private Simmons... What is your first name man? When others are around, we will keep the formalities, but when it is just us... first name basis."

Private Simmons: "Uh... it's Charles."

You: "Okay Charles, let's get going. Before you drive me to my temporary home, take me somewhere to get some food... I am starving."

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