Right Time, at the Right Moment

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Hey guys, good news! I am officially done with work for the summer. Therefore I will be writing chapters much more consistently! I apologize for the sporadic releases recently. Now that I will have much more time on my hands, I will also be posting some one-shots. I have a few requested already, but if you have any requests please pm me with them. 😊 As always, much love.

(As I stared at Y/n's resting face... He looked so cute... I slowly found myself drifting towards his face... But I catch myself before I do it... Now is not the time Sana... I then crawl into the hospital bed with him and rest my head on his chest. My eyes begin to flutter as I am exhausted due to all of these emotions. Before completely falling asleep, I need to get something off my chest... I just need to say it. I have never been able to bring myself to do it because it scares me... but because he is asleep... I can.)

Sana Whispers: "I love you Y/n..." (I then fall asleep.)

-The Following Morning-

-Nako PoV-

(As I enter Y/n's room to say my goodbyes I spot Sana sleeping with Y/n on his bed. I quickly push the jealousy away and I smile as I look at them. I really wish it was me laying there with Y/n, but his heart belongs to Sana and not mine. I just want Y/n to be happy. He deserves it. I quietly approach them and tap Y/n's forehead to wake him up. His eyes slowly open and look at me and then he begins frantically looking around. His movement wakes Sana up as well. When he sees Sana resting on him his cheeks quickly turn pink. Hers does the same when she looks up at him. They both slowly turn to look at me and I smile and wave.)

Nako: "Morning you two! I just came to say good-bye to Y/n before I leave today. I would say I could come back at a later time but uhhh, there won't be a later time!" (I smile to hide the sadness I am feeling)

Sana: "Oh, Ummm, I will go get some food for Y/n so you guys can talk. Also, us girls are supposed to meet up in a bit. Can I just drive there with you since you are here anyway?"

Nako: "Sure Sana, I would like that."

(Sana hugs Y/n)

Sana: "I am so happy you are okay Y/n..."

(I recognize the look she is giving him... She holds the same feelings for him that he feels for her. Good for Y/n... After Sana says that he smiles at her and then she gets up and walks out of the room.)

Nako: "So Y/n, when are you going to own up to your feelings and tell her?"

You: "Nako, I don't know... I want to like we talked about, but this audition to go to Korea and become an idol..."

Nako: "The thought of separating from the one you love can definitely be difficult to deal with... But Y/n, I do not want you living in regret. Just do as we planned... Do not worry of what comes after. If she turns you down, then I will fly back from the states and personally deal with her."

(Y/n smiles at me... I am going to miss that smile.)

You: "Thank you Nako, for everything. You and Sana are the best friends I have ever had. I am really going to miss you around here... Promise that we will remain in contact."

(I nod, and smile at Y/n)

Nako: "Of course Y/n, how would you ever survive without me?"

(Y/n then opens his arms and waits for me to move in for a hug. He holds me tight. This is what it feels like... Then he lets go and I back off.)

In Fate's HandsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ