The Start to a New Life

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On to chapter three! It was great hearing some feedback on the last two chapters. I look forward to hopefully hearing some more. 😊 Enjoy and much love.

(We both smile, and she waves bye to me and then she steps away from her window. I then go and lay in my bed and close my eyes. After about 20 minutes I hear my front door open and close. Moments pass and I hear a car door close outside, and I hear the car drive off... I begin listening intently, and I hear crying coming from my mom's room. I hope she is okay... I am sure dad will cheer her up, she probably just misses her friends back home. Tomorrow I will stop on my home from school to get her something to cheer her up! Ah.... The first day of school tomorrow... so excited.)

-The Following Morning-

(I woke to the sound of Tell me by Wonder Girls. That was the alarm I set the night before to make sure I woke up in time. Time to get up! I slowly sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes to wake up. After a few moments I moved my comforter to the side, stood up, and then stretched. I looked over to my window and towards Sana's window. I quickly walked over to my window and closed the curtains so that I could get dressed... Wouldn't that be embarrassing?)

You: "Good thinking y/n..." (I mutter to myself, and then sigh)

(I grab my uniform and then head to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. After fifteen minutes or so I get out, dry off, and get my uniform on. I look in the mirror to do my hair and that is when nerves hit me)

Your Thoughts: "I had been anxiously waiting for this day since I first heard of the move, but now that it has arrived the nerves have hit me. What if it ends up like last time? What if no one likes me because I am weird or what if they do not like me because I am a foreigner? I can hardly speak Japanese anyways... This could go bad... Maybe I should wait a bit before going? (I begin to panic but then her and her smile pop up in my head.) "No... my thoughts will not ruin it for me again... Sana said she would be there for me, and I know she will. She is looking forward to me meeting her friends and I would never want to disappoint her. I must go and do this for her, and ignore these thoughts telling me otherwise."

(I nodded approvingly at myself in the mirror and finished doing my hair. Once I was finished, I brushed my teeth and then walked back to my room to grab my backpack. I grabbed my phone and saw what time it was, only two minutes until Sana said we needed to leave! I needed to hurry! I double-checked my bag to make sure I had all the necessary school supplies and then darted out my door. While passing my mom's room I opened the door as quietly as possible. I saw her sleeping and holding on to one of my dad's jackets... He must have left already. Well, I will see him this weekend. I am sure he cheered up my mom before he left this morning. I still want to grab her something after school though, maybe Sana can help me pick it out because she is a girl and she would know what a girl like mom would like, right? Oh right, I need to get out to the car! I then dart out my front door, but I make sure to lock it before leaving. As soon as I turn around from my door after I lock it... I see her... and that smile. The same feeling in my chest comes back to me and I remember what my dad told me... it is a crush and it is normal for someone my age. I shake away these thoughts and then rush over to the car. As I approach Sana, I bow to her.)

You: "Good morning Squirrel, I hope you slept okay."

(Sana did not return the bow, instead, she hugged me, and grabbed my hand pulling her inside the car.)

Sana: "Good morning Y/n! Yes, I slept great! We need to hurry though, or we will be late, and I want your entrance to the new school to be big!"

(You flash a smile to her as the car's engine starts and you can feel it begin to move. Although you may be smiling in your head you are panicking.)

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