One Day - Emilia

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The morning soon overtook the horizon, and I was the first to wake up so I left the small tent, our clothes were practically dry now, and the strange thing is, I didn't hear any rain that morning.

I started to laugh as I realized what was happening, running around the drenched earth with kicks and sprays of mud, taking off my shoes, the sun shinning happily above, almost as if something had been resolved.

"It stopped raining, guys!" I whispered, as if trying to resolve an inner hole within myself. Maybe I did love Mason, but maybe I did love James, I was never too sure.

"Layla, I can see you again soon," I called out, as if to myself, before quickly lowering my voice as I wanted Mason to sleep late and realize that his nightmare of rain was forever over.

The mud splashed happily everywhere it could, and I eventually took off my shoes and cleaned them in the brook. 

My clothes were dirty, and I didn't mind that they were so, I didn't even mind that they weren't designer, I just minded that fact that I had clothes.

I laughed happily, quickly gulping down an energy bar that Mason had brought with us. 

I soon decided that it would be better of if I woke him, he wouldn't want to miss this, the first day in weeks with no rain.

"Mason," I unzipped the tent and crept inside, "Mason!" I looked at him, shaking his dead body over and over until I realized what was happening.

"Mason!" I screamed, turning him over and over until I realized that he would never get to see a day with no rain, his favorite days. "No, No, No!" I felt myself repeating, just sitting a few feet from a body once alive only a few hours ago. "Why, why would you leave me?" I screamed, another choking sensation arising in my throat as I realized that I could be the only one left.

Tears started flowing down my eyes, and my mind got all dizzy, "No, No!" I screamed, still trying to wake him up, "Mason!" I yelled now, my voice high and at the top of my lungs to the point where it would go away and never come back.

I flipped him over to realize a knife deep in his chest, and winced at the thought of this right next to me during my sleeping hours.

"Why would you leave me, Why would you leave me, So close, So close," was all I could manage to say, taking the knife out and fresh blood dripping from his opened wound.

I soon started to hyperventilate, realizing this had happened once before with James, Naomi, and Noah, and I hope Layla's okay, back at the cabin, where we should have stayed.

"Who did this?" I screamed out into the wild, taking the knife and looking at it, dazed and sitting in my hand, "Who did this!" I screamed louder, so that the whole world could hear me.

It wasn't any sooner than later that I had realized that emergency services were accidentally called in my phone, and they would be arriving within 15 minutes to our exact location.

I started to tremble, still shaking his dead body, my hair wrestling the wind violently. "Why'd you leave me!" I screamed at him, sheer anger swallowing me whole, "What the hell am I supposed to do now!" I slapped him before realizing that in my other hand was another knife, his knife.

I quietly sneaked outside, and found a note on top of my packing, wet and still sodden and soaked with rain but partially dried out.

I soon realized the severity of the situation,  and reality hit me like a boulder.

"You, did this.." I screamed at the top of my lungs, only 10 minutes now until the police would arrive and see the excruciating scene.

"How could you do this y-you-" I couldn't stop crying the tears one layer after the next being peeled from the reality in my mind.

I romped around, as if waiting for something more to happen to me, as if the universe was laid out against me, as if the world would collapse on itself at any given moment.

Mason had killed his best friend, My best friend, and Naomi and Noah were dead. 

The scene's of everything came flooding over me like a giant tidal wave and it was all too much to bear.

I just sat there, crying, and soaked in my own tears, the brook still running behind the tent, the sun still shinning over the scene, and the birds still chirping happily.

Five little blue birds.

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