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(The image above is how I imagine Pine to look like)

     "PINE! Guess what! We are going to meet these reeaaaaaallllly cool nightwings. They know something about that special weird berry we found yesterday! I don't know how they know but Queen Glory allowed us to ask them!" Kinkajou pranced around, nudging me to follow her.
      I followed my cousin to a nightwing group filled with intimidating looking dragons. The oldest one was holding the weird yellow spotted berry we found yesterday and placed it carefully in his claws.

     "A special request from that rainw- Ahem Queen Glory was to explain the poisonous berry they have found." The oldest nightwing said as he pointed at Kinkajou and I.

     All heads turned to us, their faces were all new to me, except one, Starflight. But another face stood out, a handsome dragonet my age beside him. Starflight is a friend to Queen Glory and one of the dragonets of the prophecy. I wonder why he is here, isn't he suppose to tend to the library?

     "Anyone care to explain to them?" The nightwing asked. Starflight nodded and turned to us, so did the dragon beside him, who gave me a warm smile.

     "When I met my father, he told me about how these berries can make dragons go crazy, and become agressive and murderous" Starflight shuddered. The dragonet nodded. "I know a lot about these berries too, I can explain to you if you want" the other nightwing offered.

     I turned to Kinkajou to see if she wanted to learn more but she shook her head. "That's cool but super SCARY! I rather go back and not learn more" She replied. I, on the other hand, wanted to.
"Well I do!" I told the nightwing.

     I followed the dragonet as he explained the history of the berries. "What's your name? Mines is Nighthunter." He asked. "Pine" I answered. Nighthunter grinned and continues talking. He looked especially charming when he passionately explained the venomous berry. His dark starry wings brushed mines, and I felt my stomach flutter at that small gesture. And then he smiled at me. "I feel like something is going to change forever" He suddenly stated. I need to admit, he is right.

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